The Best Baby Gear You Need Working From Home With A Baby

Working from home with a baby is a juggling act that rivals any circus. It helps to have the right baby gear. This is my mom tested and baby approved list of the only baby gear you will need working from home with a baby.

It never fails. Every time I find out I’m pregnant, I dive down the rabbit hole of the internet hoping to discover a little nugget of knowledge that I haven’t yet mined. My mom always laughs at me and usually says, “You’re not an expert, yet?” My search usually ends in frustration and exasperation because there isn’t a whole lot of new information. Just a number of lists of things you absolutely have to buy. But what do you really need working from home with a baby?

How to work from home with a newborn requires imagination and trial and error. It requires re-imagining your schedule, your sleep, dinner, and how to even work with a baby. It requires figuring out how to balance it all in the season you are in.

It is much easier working from home with a newborn because she doesn’t want to move. She just wants mommy snuggles…Twenty. Four. Seven. How to work from home with a newborn is possible, you just need the right gear.

 When your bundle of joy becomes mobile that is when the excitement really begins. It helps to have the right baby gear to use while working from home with a baby.

If you are looking for work from home opportunities, consider exploring Jooble.

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How to Work from Home with a Baby: 6 Kids Later

After having 6 kids, I have real-life tested a number of products. We had our 3 oldest kids in New York, then we moved across country and got rid of all our baby stuff. And then we had baby number 4. We bought more baby stuff. And got rid of it. Then baby number 5 made his debut, and we bought more baby stuff. And then we got rid of it. And then baby number 6 made her grand entrance, and we bought more baby stuff. Yes, we got rid of her stuff too.

Needless to say, we have bought a lot of baby gear. In our life with kids, we have bought 10 different strollers (it may be more, but I lost count). Yes, you read that correctly, we’ve bought more strollers than we had kids for.

I know, everyone has their must-have list or best ever list for baby gear, and these lists can be helpful. I have two problems with these lists. 

1. They are usually written by first-time or second-time moms, so while they do have some experience with different products there is so much more to experience. 

2. The lists are really long. And aren’t usually written with a baby on a budget in mind. You don’t need to buy all the stuff recommended that you will only use for a few months. You really don’t.

I am going to do something wild and crazy, and only give you a list of 5 items (ok I’ve added a couple of bonuses) that will help you as you work from home with a newborn. The list doesn’t include the basics like a crib or car seat, you know you need those.

I am going to give you my most helpful recommendations, specifically for working from home with a baby. They are listed in the order of importance.

Your Essential Baby Gear List for Working From Home With a Baby

1. Wearables

Baby carriers are my number one must have. They make life easier while I’m working and just being home. Here is a list of the ones I have actually used.

Infantino: This was the first carrier I bought. I bought it because it was cheap, and at the time that was the most important factor. But it worked out well, and we did like it.

Baby Bjorn: At the time this was the Cadillac of baby carriers. The perfect, most ergonomic, won’t hurt your back baby carrier.

I liked this carrier for infants. You a can use is with the tiny babies, which was nice. However, even though it says you can use it for up to 12 months, I found it was very uncomfortable as the kids got bigger, and so I switched to my all-time favorite carrier.

Ergobaby Carrier: I love this carrier. If I was on a tight budget, I would still figure out how to buy this carrier. I have used the original carrier and the Ergobaby Carrier 360. Either carrier is a good choice. I bought the 360, so that I would have the option of facing the baby out. Baby girl is over two now, and I could still carry her in my Ergo, if she would let me.

Wraps: The wraps are awesome when the babies are infants and sleeping all day. They tuck right into the pouch and just sleep. You can do skin-to-skin with them and still have your hands free to work or read a book. There are a number of brands for baby wraps. Moby wrap being the most popular.

Baby carriers are my number 1 must have when working from home with a baby. For my last two kids, I bought a wrap for the infant phase and then the Ergobaby Carrier for them to grow into. Carriers are the one item I use the longest.

In my experience, the best carrier for a baby is the Ergo carrier.

EMBRACE NEWBORN CARRIERS - The soft, simple way to wear your newborn

2. Swing

Baby swings are so awesome. All of my babies have loved the swing. I keep the swing next to my desk. It helps to soothe the wee bambino and a great place for a nap too…for the baby. And my toddler liked to sit in it as well.

Also, when the baby is a tiny infant the swing fits them better than a bouncy seat. Usually, a bouncy seat is too elevated when they don’t have any head control.

Unlike strollers, I have only owned 3 swings. And I found that I used them the most when I started working from home and I had baby number 5.

Portable Swing: The first swing we owned was a portable swing. This was the perfect size for our apartment, and we could take it with us if needed.

Versatile Swing: The first full-sized swing I bought was one that could also be transformed to a bouncy seat. I liked this one a lot because you can detach the seat and use it as a bouncy seat. Anything baby gear that has multiple purposes always wins me over.

Just a Swing: The last swing I had was just a swing. And baby girl loves it. Since she gets up at the crack of dawn with me, I get a lot of use out of it first thing in the morning.

I honestly don’t have a preference between any of these swings. I liked using all of them, and after a baby carrier, a swing would be the my second must purchase for working from home with a newborn.

3. Pack and Play

Working from home with a baby

The pack and play is more than just a bed. It is a changing table and keeper of all the baby’s junk. Our pack and play is full of diapers, baby carriers, toys, my sweater, baby hats, and baby blankets.

The pack and play sits right next to my desk. It is great if I need to put the baby down, and run to the bathroom. And a great place for her to play.

I think these portable cribs are so cool. But I confess, I never actually had one of these, but I have always eyed them.

I usually stick with a pack ‘n play. It is basic, but still has the ability to elevate it so the baby is not so low. I usually get two pack ‘n plays. One next to my desk, and one upstairs that the sweet diva sleeps in.

4. Bouncy Seat

Our bouncy seats have been another lifesaver, especially as the babies got bigger, and were awake more throughout the day. I will usually alternate them between the swing and the bouncy seat. My wee girly prefers the bouncy seat more than the swing now. And it helps to keep her occupied while I am working from home with a baby.

There are so many choices out there. You really can’t make a wrong choice.

My daughter loved her rocking chair. My son liked it to, but she likes it even more. I think she likes how she is almost in a sitting position, so she is not reclined. She also like the toys hanging down. She likes the hard rattle toys more than the soft plush toys found on bouncy seats.

These bouncey seats look amazing, and you can pick the accessories you want to add. Whether it is plush or plastic toys.

5. Jumper

There are so many sweet looking jumpers, you could really have a lot of fun with them. My 5th child loved the jumper. My daughter is ok with it. This is one of those items that I absolutely needed for my son, but probably didn’t for my daughter. That is why I have listed it last. My sweet boy loved it, but my daughter, not so much, but we do still use it for her.

When buying a jumper, I always look for one that has a lot going on. There are so many things to catch a baby’s eye. It will keep baby occupied for a while, which is the goal.

An exersaucer is also a great alternative to a jumper.

Whether you choose a jumper or an exersaucer, find one with a lot of toys. And as bonus, if you can find one with a snack tray and cup holder. It will keep baby occupied for a very long time.

5. Alternative number 5: Playmat

I wanted to offer an alternative number 5 because my daughter loves her playmats. So if your baby is not keen on jumpers, she may have more fun with a playmat. I would offer the same recommendations as the jumper…find one with lots of toys on it.

Musical Playmat: Baby girl loves her musical playmat. The only thing I don’t like about it is the battery life. It is very short-lived, so we’ve stopped changing them. Other than that she loves playing on it. So it is baby approved.

Deluxe Playmat: Find a playmat with lots of lot of activities happening on it.

Bonus: Swaddle Blankets

This is a bonus because it is not directly involved during work hours. But you need to sleep, so you can be kind of sort of refreshed for your day. When I discovered swaddle blankets, I thought I found paradise.

My kids slept so much better when they couldn’t fight the blanket. Babies can easily break free from a swaddle with a regular blanket, but it is more difficult to breakout when baby is in a blanket specifically designed for swaddling.

Conclusion: Working from Home with a Baby

I hope this post has helped to narrow down the many choice you have when it comes to baby gear.

Working from home with a baby can be overwhelming, but these essential baby gear items will make your life easier…I promise. And if you are still building your baby registry, add these items to it.

Let’s help each other out. What is your number 1 must-have baby item? Drop it in the comments below.





  1. Nickki

    With my next baby I am definitely going to be needing a few of these. Working from home with a baby is NO JOKE.

  2. Rachael

    This is a great list of items. I have two girls and am expecting our third. I know I will use our carrier daily again. Such a lifesaver!


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