
Life Unboxed is a work from home mom and homeschool mom’s guide to raising kids, running a business, and keeping your sanity.

Permission to Use



Thank you for reading my blog and wanting to share my content. I love having the ability to open-source my knowledge and experience, and I want to find the right balance between sharing my content across many platforms and protecting my intellectual property rights. Your help and cooperation in this is very appreciated. Now here are all the details.


The content on this website, YouTube channel, and associated social media platforms is owned by me, and the copyright is held by Life Unboxed Blog, LLC. There is one exception and that would be “guest posts”, these are posts written by someone other than me and the copyright is held by the author.

You are free to do the following without obtaining prior permission:

  • Link to my site or any specific post on my site.
  • Use or re-post less than 200 words on another site, provided that you link back to the original post.
  • Print or photocopy original posts (up to 50 copies) for internal distribution within your own company or organization.
  • Print my posts in a non-commercial publication (e.g., company newsletter, church newsletter, class syllabus, etc), a copyright notice must accompany publication: ©20xx, Life Unboxed Blog, LLC. All rights reserved. Originally published at

My written permission is required:

  • To use any of the content for commercial purposes
  • Alter, transform, make changes, or build upon this work

Content may not be posted on another site in whole. Google often penalizes websites that share duplicate content, and the search engine cannot tell the difference between the original or the duplicate post.

We are unable to grant permission to translate the work on this site into another language.

If you wish to use content created by a guest, please contact the author directly. We cannot grant permission to use a guest author’s content.

Video Content

You are welcome to share links to the videos on the YouTube channel of Life Unboxed Blog. I love spreading the love. If you do share the video please proved attribution to Jodie the Mom and the Life Unboxed brand.

Videos may not be downloaded or copied and uploaded to another platform. This is considered stealing content.


If you would like to use my content in way that is not mentioned above, please contact me.

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