by | Apr 21, 2022 | Running Your Business

Do You Need To Know Your Niche? | Momtrepreneur Life Coffee Chat

For this momtrepreneur life coffee chat, I am going to share with you the worst business advice I’ve ever heard—you need to know your niche. This is a time where we throw our hair up, and we talk about a topic that is interesting, concerning, or something that needs to be addressed for a work from home and homeschool mom.

This advice came from a lot of different places and it caused me some consternation and turmoil. Thinking that I can’t do this. How am I supposed to do this? It is not going to work for me. I was searching for something that was not within my reach. I couldn’t grasp it.

The advice lead me down this rabbit trail that took a long time to get back to the path I needed to be on.  That advice is know your niche.

Do You Really Need to Know Your Niche or Are You Ready to be a Rebel Mom

I am totally ready to be rebel momtrepreneur right now. Let’s get some coffee. We need to fortify ourselves, even if it is just decaf (I record at night). For me, all the advice whether it came from a business book, a blog, or a podcast whatever it was. All the advice was to know your niche and create a mythical avatar about your audience.

I remember sitting there thinking, “I don’t have a niche.” I am a jack of all trades. Never, have I worked in a job where my job description was just straightforward and fit it a nice neat cubby hole. I never worked that way. How am I supposed to start a business this way, when I never worked like this.

Is This Terrible Advice for Everyone

The conclusion is no, you don’t need to know your niche to be a successful momtrepreneur. But just know your niche was bad advice for me, what I am saying may not be the best advice for you. Can you believe it, I am not make a guarantee that if you just do xyz you will be successful. Total rebel mom right now.

I would say that those who don’t need to know their niche is a small group of people. It is not everyone (but I could be wrong, so let me know what you think). I would describe people who don’t need to know their niche as a generalist. You’ve had a career of doing a lot of things. So you stretched your learning muscles at doing different things. I never thought I would be at the place of designing and publishing books.

This may not be for everybody, but we don’t need to all fit into the same round hole. We can be square pegs fitting into a square whole. This has been one of my biggest frustrations when it comes to business advice that I created a free workbook on starting a business without knowing your niche. Also, find out why I try to give so much away for free. I say a whole lot more on the topic in the show below—listen or watch!




1 Comment

  1. Rancy D'Souza

    Well written. Liked your post. It is good to explore our potential and know ourselves better. Thank you!


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