by | Oct 27, 2022 | Keeping Your Sanity

Getting All The Things Done | Busy Work From Home Mom

Our to-do list is never ending. And this is a question that I see a lot, getting all the things done. How do you actually do this as a busy work from home and homeschool mom?

As a self-proclaimed productivity guru, I am going to let you in on all my secrets.

Welcome to another momterpeneur life coffee chat. If you are a rebel mom, then you are in the right place.

Getting all the Things Done

I saw this in one of my mom groups, and thought we needed to talk about it. Again, I am a self-proclaimed guru because let’s be real, who really stamps you as an expert. I’ve had other people tell me I am an expert, so that I why I say it.

Many people have told me, “You are so organized. I don’t know how you stay so organize with everything on your plate.” Mom, I am going to let you in on a secret. This is how I keep my sanity. I don’t thrive on waiting until the last minute. It makes everything more stressful for me. So I don’t do it.

I am a highly organized, disciplined person. Not so I can call myself a productivity guru, but everything would fall apart if I wasn’t. I am an uber-planner, so I keep my sanity. Listen to the full confession…I mean episode for all the nitty-gritty secrets.

3 Tips to Getting All the Things Done

We are all unique and wired differently. If you aren’t an uber-planner, then embrace it and figure out what works for you. Here are my 3 tips for you to try.

1. Work consistently in small blocks

I hate dragging projects out. Working this way doesn’t come naturally to me. But life is busy, and I don’t have 8 hours to lock myself in a room to finish a project in one go.

I am still accomplishing my goals, it is just at a slower pace. And you know what, I am busy mom, I am raising humans, and they are the most important thing. So a slower pace is ok.

2. Don’t wait until the last minute to get things done

Yes, there are some things that can only be done at the last minute. But don’t wait on everything until the last minute. Getting everything you can get done ahead of time finished with time to spare.

3. Schedule your week to ensure success

There are so many things that we need to get done, but schedule your week with the time that you have. Unfortunately, time is a limited commodity, so what can you realistically do getting all the things done.

If you are constantly failing at your to-do list. So you have a really long list, and you can only get half of it done. You aren’t going to look at your list as an accomplishment (you did get half of it done) you are going to everything that didn’t get done. This is not setting your week up for success.

Getting all the things done is hard as busy work from home and homeschool moms. Listen to the full episode for all the confessions from this mom, and bonus number 4 on the list.





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