
Life Unboxed is a work from home mom and homeschool mom’s guide to raising kids, running a business, and keeping your sanity.

Are you ready to start your momtrepreneur journey? Do you want to start a virtual assistant business, manage social media, bookkeeping, or online business manger. Then this is the place to start.

Everything you need to start your a successful business. You can break free from the 9-5, be your own boss, raise your kids, and enjoy your life!

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    Start Here

    how to homeschool and work from home

    Prepare Before You Leap

    Starting a business is scary, but there are a few things you can do to prepare before you leap.

    Create a website

    Create a Website

    One of the first things you want to do for you business is create a website. This will be one of the first and best investments you can make.

    emotional stages of building a business

    The Emotional Stages

    A business is like growing another kid. it take a lot of emotional energy. There are a lot of emotional ups and downs.

    how to get clients as a virtual assistant

    How to Get Clients

    Let’s explore outside of the box. This posts offers alternatives to all the other lists out there.

    Start a virtual assistant business

    Start A Virtual Assistant Business

    You can be successful on your own terms. If you want the most flexibility with your time. Start a VA business.

    Freelance contract

    Create a Contract

    A freelance agreement functions to establish the relationship between two parties. You want to have this in place before you get your first client.

    the wild ride of momtrepreneurs

    The Wild Ride of Momtrepreneurs

    There isn’t a magic bullet to success. As much as I wish there were. How do you determine success starting out.

    tips working from home

    10 Tips Working from Home

    The struggle against the cultural norms is real. Bu you can be a rebel mom and create a different legacy.

    what you need to start a part time work from home job

    What You Need to Start

    If you want the maximum amount of freedom while still working, then become a momtrepreneur.

    homeschool high school transcript

    How to become a Virtual Assistant

    Where do you start? You want to start your own business, so you can be home and create a lifestyle of greater freedom.

    Finding your niche

    Finding Your Niche is Essential?

    Do you really need to know your niche to start a business? Can you be a generalist and still be successful?

    homeschool high school transcript

    5 Tips to Create Your Workspace

    You are working from home and homeschooling. You need a space to accommodate everything.

    Freelance Tools


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