by | Jun 12, 2024 | Homeschool, Teens

Unlock Wisdom: Teaching Philosophy With Biblical Homeschool Curriculum

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post, and I was compensated for my time to review and write about Master Books biblical homeschool curriculum. All opinions are always my own. Thank you to Master Books for sponsoring this post. For more information on sponsored posts, see my disclosure.

Teach your kids how to think, not what to think. This is one of those overused statements homeschoolers like to use. How do you actually teach your kids how to think? Gaining knowledge and understanding is a process. Part of that process is learning what to think, then applying that knowledge to how to think. Gaining these critical thinking skills starts with a biblical homeschool curriculum.

We want our kids to be independent thinkers and understand how to process information. Before they can do that, they need the right foundation and understanding of ideas.

Ideas have consequences. Those ideas unfold throughout the events of history. If we want to truly understand why something happened, then it is imperative to study the ideas developed over time.

We can’t expect our kids to engage with the philosophy of our time if they don’t understand the ideas that have fueled the philosophy. As Christians, we are called to do battle in the realm of ideas, but we need to understand what those ideas are.

Unlocking Wisdom: Teaching Philosophy with Bible Based Homeschool Curriculum

Philosophy is the study of fundamental truths about existence, reality, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The great philosophical thinkers explored questions on the nature of reality, the purpose of life, the origins of knowledge, the basis of morality, and the relationship between the individual and society.

Philosophers use critical thinking, logical analysis, and rational argumentation to examine these complex and fundamental issues, seeking deeper insights into the nature of existence and human experience.

The pursuit of knowledge is a good and necessary endeavor. But when this pursuit becomes untethered from truth, the result is bad philosophy. It is important to know how to answer bad ideas because some of these ideas have had a devastating effect on western civilization.

There are a lot of ideas out there, so where do you even start to gain an understanding of them? If you want your high school student to be well-versed in the ideas of the great thinkers, then add Worldviews in Conflict from Master Books to your homeschool curriculum.

7 Benefits of Teaching Philosophy with Biblical Homeschool Curriculum

When I did a college level philosophy class, there was one statement from the class that stayed with me. Law students who majored in philosophy for their bachelor’s degree were the best lawyers because they understood the fundamentals of a good argument.

If we want students to be well-equipped to engage with ideas, then we need to teach them the skills.

Teaching our high school students philosophy with biblical homeschool curriculum will give them

1. Critical Thinking Skills

This goes back to how to think. If we want our kids to know how to think, then they need critical thinking skills. Philosophy encourages students to think critically, analyze complex ideas, and develop logical reasoning.

2. Ethical Awareness

Philosophy wrestles with the ethical dilemmas and moral theories of past and present. It helps students to understand that ideas have consequences, and how they progress from a thought to influencing culture.

3. Cultural and Historical Perspective

It provides an understanding of diverse viewpoints and the roots of human thought. It helps them to understand where ideas come from and how they influenced events in history.

4. Cognitive Development

Philosophy encourages students to think abstractly, reason logically, and express complex ideas clearly.

5. Enhanced Communication Skills

When students can understand complex ideas, they can express them clearly. Philosophy helps students to articulate their thoughts, engage in meaningful discussions, and present persuasive arguments. These are some of the most valuable skills we can give to our kids. Especially in an age where it is a lost art.

6. Problem-Solving Skills

Since philosophy is about analyzing complex problems, teaching our kids equips them with problem-solving skills. It teaches them how to identify underlying assumptions and propose creative solutions. Which are skills that influence every area of life.

7. Lifelong Learning

It encourages a love of learning and intellectual curiosity. If we can teach our kids to be lifelong learners, then we have done our job.

Biblical Homeschool Curriculum that Unlocks Wisdom

We want to foster an intellectual curiosity, a knowledge of how to think, and an ability to answer bad philosophy with good in our kids. This seems like an insurmountable task.

How do we practically teach our kids?

Find a curriculum that will offer a basic survey and critical analysis of philosophical arguments, literary works, and cultural influencers. You can find this with Worldviews in Conflict from Master Books.

When I opened the box, I was so excited to see all the topics this curriculum covered. I even started reading the textbook to refresh my knowledge.

If we want to teach our kids how to think, then they need to be familiar with the ideas and writings that formed the modern world. Whether or not we agree with these ideas. An important part of teaching kids how to think is helping them understand all ideas that influenced western civilization.

This course covers the last 300 years of ideas and gives the students a basic survey of the worldviews that have influenced our culture.

Prepare your kids to engage in the high-stakes game of the battle of ideas.

Get Worlviews in Conflict now!





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