Essential Oils For Anxiety: My Personal Experience

When I started planning my blog and brainstorming the topics I wanted to write about, I knew I needed to write about the postpartum stage or the 4th trimester. Specifically, I wanted to talk about my personal benefit from using essential oils for anxiety.

I gave birth to my first 3 kids while I was still in my 20s. I never had any problems with the fourth trimester. Now there is always your hormones and body adjusting to the new normal, but it wasn’t anything overwhelming.

For the second litter, the next 3 kids, I gave birth to all of them in my 30s. For all 3 of them I had insomnia and anxiety for the first 2 weeks of the fourth trimester, and that felt overwhelming.

If you are finding this at 2am because you just can’t sleep, so you are trying to find something, anything that will help. I’ve been there, and I will tell you what helped me.

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or an expert. I am just a mom of a bunch of kids, and I want to share my personal experience with you. I provided additional links with information, so you can do your research and reach a conclusion that works best for you. Always talk to your doctor or midwife.

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you purchase using one of these links, I make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps me keeps things free for you, and who doesn’t love free stuff. For more information, see my disclosures.

Causes of Postpartum Anxiety

The first few weeks to months after baby is born can be overwhelming. Your body is adjusting to new hormones. You are waking up at all hours of the night (lack of sleep can play mean tricks on you), and you are getting to know your new baby. There is a lot going on.

Babycenter reported that 40% of moms feel depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. That is almost half of all new moms. If you are feeling this way and wondering if you are the only one, you aren’t. There are many other moms out there feeling the same way.

Your hormones are imbalanced right after birth and this has a direct cause on how your feel. For example, during pregnancy your body is producing high-levels of progesterone to help grow your baby. Immediately after birth the progesterone falls off. Creating a hormonal imbalance.

The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for producing breastmilk, is also known to effect dopamine. This hormone, dopamine, produces feelings of euphoria and happiness. So if your hormones are imbalanced, you are going to feel imbalanced. Give your body a chance to heal and recover. Don’t put pressure on yourself to have it all together right now.

Although the hormone, prolactin, can interfere with dopamine, breastfeeding your baby does lower your risk of post-partum depression. It also causes your body to produce soothing hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin! Here is a great article on The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby and for Mom.

Our bodies are a complex and amazing organism. And sometimes, they seem to contradict themselves. It is no wonder the 4th trimester can feel so mind-boggling. But the point of all of this is to let you know, mom, that you are not alone. You don’t have to go through this by yourself. It is ok to cry throughout the day. We’ve all done it.

Essential Oils for Anxiety

While I was going through my insomnia, anxiety 4th trimester, I used essentials oils to help me get through it. Before we go any further, let me say again. I am not a doctor. This is not intended to be prescriptive or to replace your doctor’s or midwife’s advice. This is simply me sharing my own personal experience.

I would use these anytime I had that overwhelming feeling. I am not going to lie to you and say these totally dealt with everything because they didn’t. But they did help me relax and helped to calm me down. And I still use them.

1. Mommy Moment Blend

This is my favorite blend for when I am feeling anxious. Apply it to your wrists, inside your elbows, temples, and the back of your neck. Not all at the same time, just throughout the day to these different areas.

In a roller bottle add the following:
25 drops of Lavender
15 drops of Valor
10 drops of Vetiver
10 drops of Grapefruit or Orange
5 drops of Release (if you don’t have this on hand, you can leave it out)
5 drops of Cedarwood
Fill with carrier oil

2. Peace and Calming

This is one of my favorite it oils. I use it on my kids and on myself. It provides a soothing and relaxing atmosphere when you diffuse it. I like to apply to my wrists, back of the neck, inside my elbows, and my temple.

3. Stress Away

This one is also great if you need to relax and just chill out. Apply to the same areas and relax.

4. Valor

This is another great oil that I like to use when I am feeling anxious. My favorite use is to add a few drops to a handful of salt and put it in the bathtub. You get the double benefit of a great essential oil for anxiety and a relaxing bath.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. I am sharing with you how I’ve used these oils personally and the personal benefits I’ve gained.

Beyond Essential Oils for Anxiety

I used more than just essential oils for anxiety. I also used magnesium and protein shakes. These both helped to balance those pesky hormones.


One of the leading mineral deficiencies in adults is magnesium. If you are struggling with anxiety, you may just need more magnesium. Magnesium is commonly used to combat anxiety, poor digestion, muscle spasms, and trouble sleeping.

I was always calm after taking magnesium. The recommended amount to take for the day was 1 teaspoon. I would take a 1/4 teaspoon at different times throughout the day, including at night when I would wake up and had trouble going back to sleep. This supplement really helped me tremendously.

Protein Shakes

Drinking a protein shake before bed helps to level out your blood sugar. Blood sugar spikes can also cause you to wake up in the middle of the night, and effect other body systems. This is just a recommendation from my own personal experience, but I found that I slept better when I drank a protein shake before bed.

Here is the recipe

Chocolate Almond milk
Peanut butter (about a tablespoon)
1 Scoop of protein
Blend and enjoy!

Now that I’ve reached the conclusion, I feel like there is so much left unsaid. Maybe if we had a few hours over coffee I could get it all out.

I know what it feels like to have these overwhelming feelings that you can’t control. My hope with this post is that you would know you aren’t alone, that you have some tools that you can try, and know it will get better. I promise. It will get easier.

If you are interested in the oils mentioned above, you can sign-up with Young Living to get your starter kit. Or drop me a note if you have questions.





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