Growing Your Business And Growing A Bigger Family

The goal of any business is to get bigger. Every business book, blog, YouTube channel, and podcast is designed to teach you to grow your business. But as you grow a bigger business, is it also possible to grow a bigger family?

Mom, you know this is a blog that breaks all the rules, or at least questions all the gurus. Many people don’t think this is possible. That creating a business and growing a bigger family should be separate and compartmentalized. But let’s break all the rules, if you want to be with your kids and grow a bigger family, and have a successful business…you can.

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If you are going from 1 kid to 2 kids, or 5 kids to 6 kids. You are growing a bigger family. Growing a bigger family doesn’t necessarily mean you have a dozen kids, any addition is causing your family to get bigger. And growing these tiny humans while expanding your business can be overwhelming. But you can do it.

A Bigger Family is a Blessing

Kids are the greatest source of joy and also your greatest source of angst. That’s just the truth of it. But kids are truly a blessing. Whether you have 1 kid or 10 kids, they are a blessing. 

You’ve probably seen the memes about kids driving you crazy or being home with your kids as a negative. But mom let me tell you it is a blessing, and you can wholeheartedly embrace motherhood.

You are more than just your business, and you have a fixed time-frame to raise your tiny humans into well-rounded adults. There are no re-dos, so make the most of your time.

Don’t Let this be a Regret 

I recently read that Nicole Kidman said her biggest regret in life had nothing to do with her career, but she wished she had more kids. Like 10 kids. While this may not be your goal, if you want to grow a bigger family, then don’t be afraid to do it. 

Bigger Family

I’m not saying it will be easy. It will be hectic and crazy and never a dull moment. But so many people later in life talk about regrets, and I’ve heard this as a regret from so many people. They wished they had a bigger family.

Mom, it is not easy doing what we are doing. Whether you have 2 kids or 6 kids, it is a tough job raising them. I’m not saying you need to have 6 kids. But if you’ve had the thought of growing your family don’t be afraid to do it. You can grow a bigger family while growing your business. It is possible.

Growing Your Business While Growing a Bigger Family

In 2019, we found out we were going to have a Christmas baby, and we were so excited. When we were first married my husband said he wanted 2 kids, I said 4 kids, so we settled on 3 kids. We now have 6, so don’t box yourself into the things you said when you were young. 

When I was 6 months pregnant, I started getting more calls for my virtual assistant business. And my thought was why now? This is the worst timing. But you know what I discovered? It could be done. 

Things to Keep in Mind When Bringing on New Clients and Expanding Your Family

1. You can do it

Whether you are pregnant with your first baby or your sixth baby, pregnancy can be overwhelming with all the symptoms, your body morphing, and hormones raging it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Remember this mom, take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and know that you can do it.

I will add this caveat. Only you know how busy you are and how much time you have. No matter what I say, I don’t know this for you. So really examine if you have the bandwidth, and if not, then pass on the client. But don’t make the decision when you are feeling overwhelmed. Really take the time to think things through.

2. Balance

Yes, remember balance. But remember it is not zen-like balance, but the balance of walking a tightrope. No, it is not easy. On a practical side, remember to have office hours. Set your expectations for turning in deliverables. Setting boundaries with yourself and clients will help to balance work and life. 

Bigger Family

This is never perfect. Some days will be better than others. But keep in mind that other days will not be perfectly balanced. So if you need to order take-out to keep your sanity, then do it. And you know what, that’s ok. 

On another very practical note to help find the balance as your family gets bigger. Embrace your crockpot, instapot, rice cooker, and any other kitchen appliance that you can set and forget. These are lifelines to me. And they make cooking so much easier. 

3. Inform new clients of maternity leave

When my business started booming while I was pregnant, I just let the new client know. I informed them of my due date and how long I planned to take off for maternity leave. Do you want to know something? They were all excited for me, and did not hesitate to bring me on as their virtual assistant.

When your newest addition arrives check out the essential baby gear list when working from home with a baby. Seriously, these have been a lifesaver. I’ve had two babies while working from home and these are my must-haves.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Crazy Life of a Bigger Family it is Only a Season

The days are long but the years are short. I didn’t realize how true this statement was until I had a 16-year-old and a 2-year-old. I remember so clearly when he was 2 and into everything. Now he is a young man. And looking back, time has just flown by.

If you have young kids, it is physically exhausting and they are into everything. Remember, it is only for a season. And seasons always change.

It is possible to grow a bigger family while growing a business.

FAQ: Growing a Bigger Family While Growing Your Business

Q: Is it possible to grow a bigger family while also expanding a business?

A: Yes, it is possible. The blog emphasizes that creating a successful business and growing a bigger family can coexist. It may be challenging, but with proper planning and balance, it can be done.

Q: How do manage to grow her business while expecting a child?

A: The author shares a personal experience of growing her virtual assistant business while being pregnant. Despite initial doubts about the timing, she found it possible to manage both her business and her growing family by setting practical expectations and embracing support systems.

Q: What are some practical tips for bringing on new clients while expanding your family?


  1. You can do it: Acknowledge the overwhelming aspects of pregnancy and take time to assess your bandwidth before taking on new clients.
  2. Balance: Maintain a realistic balance between work and family life. Set office hours, manage deliverables, and use practical tools like crockpots and rice cookers to ease daily tasks.
  3. Inform new clients of maternity leave: Be transparent with clients about your maternity leave plans. Most clients will be understanding and supportive.

Q: How should you inform clients about your maternity leave?

A: Be upfront with clients about your due date and the duration of your maternity leave. Communicate your plans clearly to ensure clients understand and can accommodate your needs during this period.

Q: What is the key takeaway about raising a bigger family?

A: The key takeaway is to embrace the chaotic and exhausting nature of raising young kids, recognizing that it is only a season. Time flies, and while the days may be long, the years are short. Embracing each moment with your family, despite the challenges, is important.

Q: What message does the blog convey to moms considering a bigger family?

A: The blog encourages moms not to be afraid of growing their family. It acknowledges the challenges but emphasizes that it is possible to successfully expand your family while growing your business. Embrace the blessings and find balance in your unique journey.





  1. Jenn

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this! We have always felt that a bigger family is a blessing, and even an eventual asset to your business (though obviously that’s not why we have children, LOL). Our Kids contribute to our business and raising them has given us valuable career experience – an added benefit that most people don’t think about.

  2. Areil

    You’re right. You don’t want any regrets when it comes to family.

    • Natasha

      This is such a great post thank you for sharing. It can feel so scary making the decision to grow your family whilst you are trying to build your business


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