by | Apr 7, 2022 | Homeschool

I Am Terrified Of Teaching Kindergarten | Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum Review

For this momtrepreneur life coffee chat, I am going to tell you why I am terrified of teaching kindergarten. It has nothing to do with socialization, but everything to do with teaching kindergarten. As a second generation homeschooler, you would that I would have mastered it. This topic started with a question from another mom asking for a homeschool kindergarten curriculum review.

She said my son is going to be in pre-K next year, and I am so overwhelmed by the curriculum choices. Do I have any suggestions? Well, my friends I have a lot of suggestions when it comes to homeschool curriculum.

My Story of Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum

Let me start at the beginning of my journey with kindergarten. So you can fully appreciate this homeschool kindergarten curriculum review. Although, I’ve never officially homeschooled any of my kids yet, for kindergarten, I do have a lot of experience with the curriculum.

My four oldest kids all have summer birthdays. So I decided with all them to start them in kindergarten when they turned 6, instead of just turned 5. When I volunteered in their classrooms, at different times, I’ve seen the huge difference it makes for their learning experience by starting them later.

My four-year-old decided to disrupt my well laid plans with an April birthday. So that brought me back to the drawing board of what to do for kindergarten. I reached the point of not being comfortable putting him in school so young.

It has been a year of struggling because I never taught any of my kids for kindergarten, and honestly, it is a bit terrifying. I sent them to school to get the basic foundation, and then I took over. But I am going to figure it out because I will officially be starting him in kindergarten.

Do You Need to Do Pre-K and Do You Need a Curriculum Kit for it?

The short answer is no. This is coming from a person who has done pre-k curriculum with all her kids. I don’t think I’ve ever actually finished the curriculum with any of them.

Watch the full video of my homeschool curriculum reviews kindergarten and why I kept buying the pre-k curriculum for the next kid. I also let you in on my plans for next year for kindergarten.





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