by | Aug 11, 2022 | Homeschool

Homeschool Science Curriculum: Help For Mom Who Forgot It All

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post and I was compensated for my time to review and write about Greg Landry’s homeschool science curriculum from Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science. All opinions are always my own. Thank you to Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science for sponsoring this post. For more information on sponsored posts, see my disclosure.

Online homeschool science curriculum to the rescue. Am I the only one that feels a deep need to rescued in this area?

Figuring out high school and needing to create a transcript is overwhelming. How many credits should they take? Is my house going to burn down because a science lab went awry? Will I need to learn chemistry…again?

All of these questions cascade through your mind. We all know that our good parent status comes down to whether we will re-learn algebra and chemistry for them. Ok not really, but it can sure feel like we are being tested when it comes to teaching the high school math and sciences. Am I the only mom that still has those nightmares from high school?

Homeschool Science Curriculum

When it came to figuring out my oldest son’s homeschool science curriculum, I admit I panicked. There are so many choices out there. But what is the right fit for his learning style and one that would not require mom involvement.

I am totally serious when I say I can’t remember anything from my high school chemistry. Well, not totally true. I remember that nuclear stuff has a half-life. But that is it.

My son asks me a question and the only thing I can do is give him a blank stare. At this point, his his homeschool science curriculum might as well be Greek.

So when I logged into Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science Membership, relief immediately flooded my mind. Then my next thought was where have you been my whole life. I’ve already struggled through homeschool biology and chemistry with my oldest son.

Let’s Talk Homeschool Science Labs

I just had this conversation with another mom. She asked, “What are you doing for science labs because I don’t want to do them.” You know what my reply was, “Neither do I!”

Mom this is probably the biggest struggle when it comes to high school science. We don’t want frog guts being removed on our kitchen counter or the fire extinguisher let loose for a chemistry experiment. Did you know that stuff gets into every nook and cranny of the kitchen. I may have some experience cleaning it up for days.

Affordable Homeschool Science curriculum pinnable image

In order to get into college (at least in my research) you need homeschool science labs. This can be one of the hardest parts about homeschool science. Where exactly to you buy a dead frog? Are they really going to dissect it on the kitchen counter?

The solution to this dilemma and the one I recommended to my friend is virtual science labs. I think I need an amen corner for this one. Any other moms hearing the angels signing right now. This is truly the solution to so many problems when it comes to homeschool science.

Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science Membership includes homeschool science labs. Yes, I know, you are hearing the full Hallelujah Chorus now. There is no fire extinguisher required and no lab supplies to purchase. As a bonus, they also provide instructions on how to grade the lab report. No dead frogs on the counter and no fire extinguishers involved!

Homeschool Science Curriculum for the Whole Family

This year, I am adding baby number 5 to our homeschool. He would protest the baby part, but he can’t read yet. As I was purchasing all the curriculum, I started totaling up everything. It was a bit shocking. Usually, I just buy and don’t look. This year I needed to know the new totals, so I can budget for the following year.

Let’s just say we could go on a nice vacation if we weren’t purchasing curriculum. For large families, buying curriculum gets really expensive really fast. That’s why I really appreciate curriculum that is designed for the whole family. It helps to cut costs and everything is in one place for everyone. Yes, mom, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science Membership is affordable science for the whole family. The membership also includes fun stuff for mom and dad too. As a bonus, students and parents have access to the teacher, Greg Landry, for any questions. So mom, you don’t need to re-learn chemistry, and you are still maintaining your good parent status. It is a win-win for everyone.

Conclusion: The Perks of Homeschool Science Online

Mom, as I was writing this post and looking at all that Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science offers. The one thought that kept parading through my mind was, “Where have you been all my life?” The homeschool science labs, homeschool chemistry, homeschool biology, and the family membership are really everything I am looking for in a homeschool science curriculum.

Check it out to see if it is a good fit for your homeschool family. There are also a bunch of homeschool science freebies you can try out too.





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