by | Jun 27, 2022 | Running Your Business

How To Get Clients As An Introvert

There are a lot of things that can hold you back from starting a business. Things like services to offer, what should your niche be, should you specialize in something. All of these questions clamor around in your head. But for an introvert this one question can be the biggest obstacle you face—how to get clients as an introvert.

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This can feel paralyzing because the traditional way of getting clients had to of been concocted by extroverts. Networking events, cold calling, door-to-door selling, pushing services on unsuspecting prey…I mean potential clients, all of these will make an introvert run and hide. If every bone in your body resists the idea of selling yourself or taking the spotlight, you are not alone. If this looming question—how to get clients—is keeping you from starting your business, then let me relieve your stress and overwhelm. You can get clients as an introvert that fits your introverted personality.

How to Get Clients as an Introvert—Let’s Define it

Yes, if we are going to discuss this topic then we need to make sure we are using the same dictionary. Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking defines introversion as how you respond to stimulation. If you are energized by solitude and crave being alone, then you are an introvert. If you love being around people and are energized by groups of people then you are an extrovert.

Just like all of life, introversion and extroversion run on a spectrum. More than likely, you will have some introverted qualities and extroverted ones. But it all comes down to the zone of stimulation that works for you. In order to maximize your talents, you need to put yourself in the zone of stimulation that works for you.

As an ambivert, which is someone who falls right in the middle of the spectrum, and I would fall closer to the introverted side, I am not a fan of large groups of people that I don’t know. I would prefer to be one-on-one and talk deeply over coffee. When I teach my co-op class, even though this is something I really enjoy doing, I come home drained and needing a nap.

In contrast, my oldest son is a total extrovert. I feel sorry for him sometimes because most of our  house falls more to the introverted side of life. But he loves crowds and being around people he doesn’t know. Introducing himself to everyone in the room is a natural instinct for him. His personality would thrive on cold calling, networking events, and door-to-door selling.

How to Get Clients by Embracing Who You are

Mom, if everything mentioned above describes you, then you are in good company. You don’t need to change your personality to be successful in business. I know all the books and blogs tell us to do xyz in order to get clients and be successful in business, but, once again, let’s zig when everyone else zags.

There are a number of overlooked benefits to being an introvert. Solitude is crucial to creativity. We are our most creative when we are alone and let our minds wander. Creativity is more than just art and writing. It can be applied to bookkeeping, IT work, and other administrative jobs. Many problems that arise in these jobs require creative solutions.

Introverts tend to be more knowledgeable on subjects. Frankly, because they’ve taken the time to research and look at every angle. Most extroverts don’t necessarily have the attention span to dig deep on a topic. They tend to accept the surface idea without researching beyond it (I know I am painting with broad strokes and there are exceptions to every rule).

Most deep thoughts come from being in a quiet place, whether you are in introvert or an extrovert. Since introverts tend to embrace this place of solitude and quiet, they will naturally be more knowledgeable on topics.

As a momtrepreneur, trying to figure out how to get clients as an introvert, embrace who you are and leverage it. You are knowledgeable on a number of topics, you have a track record of figuring out what you need for a specific project, and you aren’t trying to steal the spotlight. Extroverts need you!

How to Get Clients: 7 Ways to Get Clients as an Introvert

1. Tell your friends

Let your friends talk you up to potential clients. If you are good at what you do, then your friends will recommend you to their friends and then to their friends. No cold calling involved. Being a person of integrity will enable the people you know to highly recommend you.

2. Content marketing

Put your deep thinking and solitude to good use. Content marketing is a great way to tell people about your services and to offer value to potential clients. Whether you start a podcast, YouTube channel, or blog. Content marketing is an introvert’s best friend when it comes to how to get clients.

3. Social media

Show your work. This goes hand-in-hand with content marketing, but show people what you can do. It doesn’t require going to a big networking event to get a few business cards. But you can grow your network from the solitude of your home office and actually create a bigger audience than an event would ever do.

4. Reviews

Ask for reviews. Let other people talk about you. And this can all be done with an email or text. Another win for the introvert. Make it easy for someone to leave you a review. Send them the link and walk them through the steps. If you know the people, write three reviews for them and ask them to pick one and post it. Make it as easy as possible for them.

5. Freelance website

Websites like Fiverr and Upwork are a great way to connect with potential clients. People who are visiting these sites are looking to hire someone. So you don’t need to feel salesy when you offer a proposal. They actually want to see it. These websites offer a platform for you to connect with potential clients.

6. Public speaking

Most introverts are very good teachers. Since they enjoy the quiet, solitude, and think deeply they provide a lot of substance for their listeners. Public speaking is never an easy endeavor, but it is a great way to let people know what you do, and how you can provide value to the business.

7. Use an agency

If you just don’t want to get clients on your own. There are a number of agencies that will connect vetted clients to you. The drawback with using an agency is you can’t set your prices. But it may be worth it to you if you don’t need to be the one searching for clients.

Conclusion: How to Get Clients as an Introvert

My fellow introvert. If the thought of needing to attend big networking events or cold calling terrifies you. Then know that you are not alone. You can get clients as an introvert and create a successful business, defined on your own terms.

Let us know your tips on how to get clients as an introvert.





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