by | May 30, 2022 | Running Your Business

The Trap Of Managing Information: Stop Researching & Launch

As mom entrepreneurs it is easy to get stuck in the managing information stage of launching a business. But we need to reach the point of actually launching the business.

I have a mom confession to make. I love to learn. I love research and the process of gathering and managing information. I have a great idea for a book, but I confess I am more excited about doing the research then I am about writing the book (at this point anyway). It is totally possible for me to stay in research mode and never write a line of the manuscript. And I would be totally happy with this outcome.

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Tumbling down the rabbit hole of information is one of my favorite things to do. It is a trap that I am more than willing to fall into. The problem with gathering and managing information if you feel like you are making progress in your business or with a blog, without actually doing the things to move it forward.

Researching and managing information is like a warm fuzzy blanket. It is comfortable and soothing. It makes you feel like you are doing something without actually doing the hard part—putting yourself out there to see if you will succeed or fail.

You Need to do Research

If you don’t want to launch a half-baked product, then you need to do research. You need to gather information before you dive headlong into something. Not doing research is almost a guarantee to fail.

Have you been in a project or seen a project, where the right the research wasn’t done. If it didn’t fail, then everyone was running around without a purpose. It was high pressure to just get it done. And late nights trying to do just that. The end result is usually a burnt out and resentful team. This is not the way to launch a business.

If you want to launch a successful work from home business then it takes careful planning, figuring out the services you offer and what clients need, and how to start.

How do you know when you are falling into the insidious trap of managing information?

The Trap of Managing Information—Paralysis by Analysis

This is a common statement, paralysis by analysis, and it happens. You can get so caught in this trap, and you can’t figure out how to move forward. You just keep going down the rabbit hole. If you need the cure, then the first place to start is to recognize the signs and symptoms. 

1. Feel like you are accomplishing tasks

Yes, you are accomplishing tasks by gathering and managing information. It is important. You need to do this. But when it is all you are doing, or when there is just one more class to take and then another and then another. You are checking items off the to do list, but you aren’t doing the task of actually launching your business.

You feel accomplished without actually putting anything out for the world to see.

2. Learning-mode is comfortable because there is no risk of failure

This is a big one. Being in learning mode means you are still checking things of your to do list. You still get the sense of accomplishment, but there isn’t a risk of failure when you are just gathering information. No one has failed by just learning.

When you change to launch mode, the risk of failure is gigantic. There is no secret formula to success. We know 50% of businesses fail in the first 5 years. There is risk to launching. If you never launch but stay in learning mode, you will be an expert in business without ever taking the risk and starting one.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt

3. Feel like you need to become more of an expert

There is always something more to learn. The one thing we can be confident of, when it comes to learning, is the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know. Learning is an infinite process, without an end in sight.

As you are researching and managing information, just remember there is always something more to learn. You will never reach the end of what you can learn. Reach a place where you are confident in your knowledge, even if there is still one more class to take.

4. It is not stressful

Seriously, if you are information junkie, then there is nothing stressful about managing information. You love it! This is the best place for you to be learning and adding to you library of knowledge. You don’t need to worry about how many Instagram or Facebook followers you have…or don’t have.

There is no stress over watch time on YouTube, so you can start monetizing and making some money for your efforts. Or how many downloads you had on your podcast this week, and it dropped compared to last week. None of that stress is happening when you are in learning mode. Can I go back to research mode, please?

5. It is perfect for introverts

Yes, introverts of the world unite. Research is the best thing that could happen to us. We don’t need to talk to people, and we can bury our heads in a book. Do I need to even say any more?

The trap of information gathering is so seductive for introverts. We can retreat inside of ourselves and never come back out.

How to do You Know When it is Time to Move from Managing Information to Launch

This can be hard to recognize because it is blurred by how much more you can learn. You will never know everything or learn everything before you launch. I know I hate this too. But you need to reach a point where it is time to take the next step. You need to put yourself out there and keep learning and growing.

When I was working to launch this blog. I was complaining to my husband about all the things I don’t know. He looked at me with his eyes full of wisdom, “Just start writing content. You have enough information. You know what you need to do, so now you need to start.”

It was the jolt I needed. I spent months reading and taking classes. Trying to get as much info as I could, in order to cut the “this is how long it takes for a successful blog” time down. So far it hasn’t worked.

This can be a heart-stopping moment for all of us, but also an exciting one. You officially launched. Now for all the emotional stages that come with starting a blog or business.

So how do you recognize when it is time to shift gears from research mode to launch mode?

1. You can’t find any more material to read

Yes, if you read all the books and watched all the classes, and the search for good information is very difficult. Then this is a sure sign that it is time to move from managing information to launching your great idea.

2. You can make a very detailed to do list

How long is your to do list? If it is really long and detailed, then you need to start. This is another sure sign that it is time to launch your business.

Here’s the thing. You need to start somewhere, so if the list is really long, then it is time to start working on it. Yes, you can still read and learn, but get started on your list.

Regardless of the business you are starting, creating a website should be at the top of your list. Here are some resources to get you started (yes, another class!)

What To Do Before You Start Building A Website To Make It Easier

How to Create a Website for Beginners

Divi for Beginners

Divi Theme: This is my favorite theme to use. There are so many resources on how to use this theme (more classes, anyone?) that you can really create your own website if you are a beginner.

3. People around you are telling you to start

Yep, this is final sure sign you need to launch. If those closest to you are telling you it is time, then listen. They know you the best and know your personality. If they are telling you to launch, then it is time.

Conclusion: Is it Time to Move from Managing Information to Launch?

After reading this list, do you think you need to launch or there is still a bit more to research? If you are just starting and need a place to begin your research, then download the 20-page free workbook. Find out how you can launch a business without a niche…yes, it can be done.





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