by | Aug 21, 2023 | Self-Improvement

The Number One Struggle For Moms That Work From Home

Finding time for yourself is the number one struggle for moms that work from home.

It is not that you don’t enjoy your kids or you don’t want to be around them. Sometimes you just need a break. So no mom guilt allowed here. We are moms that work from home. We can admit that sometimes we just need a moment for ourselves. Especially if you are an introvert. Your batteries will only recharge with alone time. But even extroverts benefit from alone time.

No, this is not a post about massages and pedicures. Yes, these are great in their place. As a routine, this is out of reach for most moms that work from home. This post is all about practical help for you.

Why it is so Hard to Find Time

There is a lot on our plates. You are juggling clients, schoolwork, and stuff around the house. The reason it feels like you don’t have a minute to yourself is because you don’t. It takes intentional planning to find the time as moms that work from home.

The shower doesn’t count. Ok, ok we can count it as finding time for yourself. But you need to carve out more time than just what you get in the shower.

I am not suggesting large chunks of time. We don’t have a minute to ourselves. What I am suggesting is to start with 15 minutes a day.

You need to recharge your batteries. It is important to take care of yourself physically. So you need to find time to workout. You need to challenge yourself mentally, so you need to find time to read a book. Audio books count too.

Why We Need to Make Time as Moms that Work from Home

Mom, we are superb at being stressed. Worry and stress are our superpowers. Are the kids getting a good education? How am I going to afford curriculum? Am I raising good humans? The questions and worry go on and on. Tumbling through our minds like circus performers. Around and around. Up and down.

We are stressed. And we have good reason for it.

But this is what I learned. Stress is like the gateway drug to more serious issues. It can lead to anxiety or depression, self-doubt, decreased self-esteem, fatigue, high-blood pressure, tightness in neck and shoulders, and the cycle continues. Stress affects our entire body—heart, mind, and soul.

Although I am not a psychologist or a counselor. I’ve just realized that if I wanted to be the best version of myself, I needed to figure this out. As moms that work from home, we need to make time for ourselves so we can better manage stress. 

The greatest asset you have as a wife, mom, and momtrepreneur, is your physical and mental health. You need to take care of it in the long run.

Taking Leisure Time as Moms that Work from Home

Taking time for yourself doesn’t mean you add another project to your plate. It means that you are taking leisure time for yourself, and leisure is important. It is important to find an outlet for leisure, but it doesn’t need to be a large chunk of time.

There is a direct correlation between leisure activities and relaxation, self-improvement, pleasure, and reduction of stress. It also improves your immune system, memory, self-esteem, and sleep. That’s why you need to find time to recharge your batteries.

How to Find Time as Moms that Work from Home

1. Get up before the kids

I know this is overused advice. You read it in books, see it in social media posts, and hear it on podcasts. Usually, I hate overused advice and avoid giving it because it doesn’t work for everyone. And maybe it won’t work for you either. That’s ok.

However, I found that getting up early is one of the best things I can do for myself. And I’m not a morning person. My creative juices really flow after midnight, but that is not where I’m at right now. It is completely impractical for me to stay up into the wee hours of the morning and sleep in late. My life and my house won’t function if I do.

2. Create a quiet time during the day

Whether this is nap time or just a downtime because your kids are too old for naps. Create a space during the day that the house is quiet.

For me, that is electronic time for the kids. I know I am breaking all the homeschool mom rules. But they get two hours each day to watch something or play a video game. This is our downtime. Schoolwork must be finished. If there are chores, those need to be done too.

This also takes place during the littles nap time. Younger kids are resting, and older kids are unwinding. Mom gets a quiet house. Sometimes I disappear into my room to read a book, eat chocolate, and drink coffee. That really is the best way to spend an afternoon.

I get a moment to recharge my batteries and practice a little mom self-care. Moms that work from home need to be intentional about this.

3. Exercise

Yes, you need and should do this. Going for a walk is a great way to find time for yourself. Or just start a workout routine at home. I know all the experts will tell you that you will feel more energetic, etc, etc. Really, what you feel in the moment is I hate this. It takes a while to feel the benefit of more energy. Like months. Let’s just be real. Eventually, you do get there.

For your overall mental and physical health, you should add exercise. Also, your butt gets bigger when you sit too long. And none of us want that.

Conclusion: Beat the Struggle

Yes, the struggle to find time for yourself is real. The good news is you don’t need much time to feel refreshed and recharged. You just need to be intentional about it.

How are you going to be intentional this week? Let me know if the comments below.





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