
Life Unboxed is a work from home mom and homeschool mom’s guide to raising kids, running a business, and keeping your sanity.

Creating a website can be overwhelming & frustrating. But you can do it. Here is the the reference page of everything you need to create a website on your own without being a web programmer. These website resources and templates are for you to use as a reference for your business. It is scary starting your own business. So I wanted to give you what I didn’t have starting out, someone to come alongside you and help you get going. Empowering moms to define success on your terms gets me excited.

Since I have invested my time, sweat, and tears into providing free resources for you, please don’t share or post in whole or in part. However, you are more than welcome to share the link to this page. These forms are only intended to give you ideas and get the creative juices flowing for your virtual assistant business.

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you purchase using one of these links, I make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps me keeps things free for you, and who doesn’t love free stuff. For more information, see my disclosures.

Create a Website on Your Own with Web Hosting & Theme

Create a website on your own


Create a website on your own hosting



Elegant Themes

Plugins for Your WordPress Site

Social sharing plugin

Monarch Social Media Sharing

Create a website on your own hosting

Yoast SEO


Monster Insight


Instant Images

Create a website on your own

Smush Image Optimization

Create a website on your own hosting

GDPR Cookie Consent


Really Simple SSL


WPS Hide Login

These plugins can be downloaded through your WordPress dashboard.

Before You Start to Create a Website on Your Own

Create a website on your own

Outline & Digital Sketch Example

Create a website on your own hosting

Color Picker (




Browse Fonts


Do these before You Start to Make it Easier

Rebel Mom Checklist

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