
Life Unboxed is a work from home mom and homeschool mom’s guide to raising kids, running a business, and keeping your sanity.

Work From Home Mom Jobs: What Moms Do

It is hard not to have two incomes. Yes, you can be really frugal, but it helps to have that second income coming it. Work from home mom jobs expanded in the last few years, making it possible to make money from home and homeschool. While there are many work from home...
Homeschool curriculum guide for working homeschool moms
homeschool art unit study

Turn Your Impossible Dream into Possible

You can make it a reality. Empower yourself with the tools and confidence to navigate working from home and homeschooling.

It all starts here



The Mom

I am a work from home mom. I understand the challenges of raising kids, running a business, and keeping your sanity…most days. I am a Christian, wife, mom of 6, homeschooling mom of 5, and accidental entrepreneur. Read More

Let’s Connect



The Blog

If this sounds like you, “I am doing great if I get 5 minutes to use the bathroom uninterrupted. Let alone 2-3 hours of focused time.”

If you can relate to this in any way, you have a found a kindred-spirit! This blog was created for the mom working from home with kids. Read More



Pregnancy & Babies





Work from Home


Random Musings

Mom Bag

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