by | Oct 4, 2021 | Homeschool

5 Practical Tips To Keep Grades For School When You Hate To Grade

Grading. This is the dreaded task. You know the kind of task you need to psyche yourself up for days ahead of time. And grading for 4 kids multiplies this feeling by 4. Teaching multiple grades, figuring out the right curriculum, and keeping grades for school, it can get overwhelming. Keeping grades is not my favorite thing to do, but over the years, through trial and error, I’ve found a system that works.

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If you are feeling mom guilt when it comes to keeping grades for school, banish it. You homeschool because you want to tailor curriculum and teaching for your child, not because you love to grade. Give yourself permission to hate this part. I will let you in on a secret, teachers don’t like to grade either. You are in good company.

Why You Need to Keep Grades for School

In some homeschool circles this may actually be a controversial topic. I understand the reasons for it—kids learn beyond books, you don’t want to fall into a one-size fits all type of school, you want to learn outside of the system, you aren’t trying to recreate school at home—and if your state doesn’t require these records, then the choice is totally yours. You have the freedom to decide how you want to measure your child’s growth and improvement. Keeping grades is just one way to do this. Make the choice that is best for your family.

Depending on your state’s laws, and the records they require, you may need to keep grades for you homeschool. Find out more about your states homeschool laws if you are unsure. If your high schooler plans to go to college, then you will definitely need to keep grades so you can create a high school transcript to.

Tools to Keep Grades for School

There are so many resources and tools to help you keep grades. And if you love office supplies like I do, then you can have fun. I use this excel spreadsheet to keep grades for the year.

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    There are also a lot of grade books to choose from. So find a fun one that will help make the process a little less daunting.

    There are specific ways to keep a high school transcript. Here is a lot of information on how to create a high school transcript.

    5 Practical Tips to Keep Grades for School

    Since I dread this task so much, it gets scheduled ahead of time. So I can mentally prepare for it. Here are 5 tips to do grades for school.

    1. Grade when you have the time

    Avoid scheduling anything else. As you grade you will see things to go over with your kids. Make sure you have the time to explain a concept they may be missing and give them time to correct.

    2. Schedule one kid at a time

    Give time to each of your children. It will be easier for you, and you can give them the one-on-one they may need. Grade all the schoolwork for that one child at the same time. And then take a break.

    3. Grade every other week

    Take a break so you aren’t grading every week. This gives you a chance to recover and there may not be anything to grade until the following week. So skip a week.

    4. You don’t need to grade everything

    Most curriculum have enough tests and quizzes that you really can get a good idea of progress and improvement by just grading quizzes, tests, and essays (kids need feedback on their writing to be better writers). So skip the daily work. Or if you find your kids need feedback on daily work, let them grade it.

    5. Write grades down immediately

    Have your grade book open or excel sheet and enter the grades immediately. You don’t want to go back at a later time and do this. Grade the test, enter the grade, and move on.


    My fellow mom, it is ok to not like every aspect of homeschooling. Grading is definitely at the top of my list. If you find yourself in the same place sign-up for the Life Unboxed newsletter and get your editable grading spreadsheet. And join other moms who are in this together.

    Download your free homeschool templates.

    Subscribe and get your free weekly schedule, attendance on one page (automatically tracks days), and keep grades. Download the Excel files so you can customize them for your needs. Get exclusive content by email.

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