by | Feb 17, 2022 | Random Musings

How To Work And School When Everyone Is Sick | Momtrepreneur Life

Hey moms, let us pull back the curtain on the momtrepreneur life and get a real-life glimpse on what it is like to be a momtrepreneur. All the balancing and juggling that comes with it. Grab your coffee, in your favorite mug, and let’s talk about how to work and school when everyone is sick.

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I skipped the momtrepreneur life chat last week, and I had big topic that I was going to discuss—work life balance. This is a question that I am often asked about, how do you balance it all. It is an important topic, but it was hijacked because everyone got sick. So I shifted the topic this week to talk about something that is more appropriate—how do you work and school when everyone is sick.

Work and School When Everyone is Sick

I wish we could schedule in the best time to get sick. It would be really helpful to just write it out on the calendar. Then we can avoid being sick on birthdays, like I was, and just better plan it out.

Unfortunately, that is just not the case so how do you handle work and school? Everyone got the big c in our house. It is not the sickest I have ever been, but it is in the top 5. I went to urgent care for other sicknesses and not for this one.

Most of the kids did get. Yes, we had 2 that showed no signs of being sick…none whatsoever. I would have never known the two-year-old was sick, except I took her temperature.

You Can’t Plan When You are Sick, but You Can Plan for It

The first thing you need to do is work with good clients that are understanding. It is not good for you or your clients to try to work while you are sick. You need to get better and recover, and your clients need you to be healthy too.

As freelancers it is hard because you typically don’t get sick time or vacation time. Save up for your sick time. Every week or month, however you are paid, save money for sick time for yourself. So you actually take the rest you need while you are sick. Plan for those times, so you have a cushion.

As for school, I let the kids decide how much time they need off. We need to have so many days of school, so they know that they may need to make it up at the end of the year. We all want to be done at the beginning of May, so it is incentive to take only what they need.





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