by | Dec 27, 2023 | Random Musings

Mom’s No Good Very Bad Day

Mom, sometimes we just have a no good very bad day!

Mom woke up, hopped in the car and went to pick up the groceries. But something happened they weren’t there. “Oh, no!” she cried. She looked at the app completely confused. That wasn’t the location she always picks up from. The store app changed the place. Mom backs out of the parking lot. On her phone she searches for the fastest route to the other location on the other side of town. This is turning out to be mom’s no good very bad day …and it just started.

Her eyes are staring at the gas gauge as it creeps closer and closer to red. Yes, she starts to cry over…groceries.

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Mom’s Real Life No Good Very Bad Day

I know it silly that I cried over groceries, in hindsight. At the time, it seemed like a perfectly natural response. I could have pasted on a fake smile and used the power of positive thinking, but crying seemed like a better response.

Have you ever had those times when the pressure gets to you, and you finally break over the smallest thing? If we are honest with ourselves the answer is probably yes. It was a difficult week. Nothing seemed to be going right for me, and it all came to a head over groceries.

Moms, sometimes we just have a no good very bad day. Although, I’ve written about bad days in a previous post, I wanted to write about it again. As moms sometimes we need to hear that it ok again and again.

The Mom Guilt

Usually, we start with a bad day and that can come from any direction. But it is usually not just one thing. It piles on. One thing after another. We are struggling with our kids. The toddler bought a first class ticket on the hot mess express. Or we messed up something with a client. You had an intense discussion with your husband. Or you received bad news from a doctor. Whatever it is, the spiral usually starts.

You have a bad day. Then the mom guilt pours on because you feel guilty for feeling so rotten. You are then frustrated with yourself and everyone around you. Let’s be honest these mommy moments aren’t our finest. But this is place for honest reflection and sometimes we just need to be truthful about where we are at and also know that it is ok to have a no good very bad day.

Keep Calm, Mom On

If you are in the midst of a no good very bad day, or you want to plan for the next one. Here are some mom helps just for you.

The first thing you need to do is get your Keep Calm Mom On shirt. So when the day starts running away from you, it can be a reminder of what you need to do…keep calm. The previous post contains six tips to manage your bad day. Here are a few more.

1. Write it out

Sometimes the emotions are threatening to overwhelm, and you just need to get them out. Sometimes life delivers some really hard things that can totally disrupt and change your life. Or in the grand scheme of things, it is not a big deal, but you are still being thrown for a loop by it.

Then there are those things that you just allowed to build up over time, and then you react to a small insignificant circumstance. Whatever it is, you need to get all those emotions out, but it may be hard to find someone you can vent to. Or that you want to vent to. Who wants to admit they finally started crying over groceries…seriously.

Writing it out in a journal or notebook can really help you to vent. This is a place where you can be the most honest. It is just your thoughts and emotions. Now these thoughts and emotions will change, but while they are threatening to overwhelm you talk them out on paper.

2. Dance party

Have you ever noticed how your mood and attitude change when you turn up the music and start busting a move? If you just need to inject a bit of an attitude adjustment into yourself or your kids, then have a dance party.

Turn on your favorite tunes from when you were a kid. Bye Bye Bye  by Nsync is the baby’s favorite song. Seriously, she stopped crying the ambulance when I played it for her. And the kids will love hearing, or making fun of, the music you used to listen to.

It creates a fun bonding experience for all of you. Yes, your teens will even get in on it (but don’t tell them I told you), especially when the two-year-old says, “Come. Dance with me.” It gets them every time.

It is also good exercise which releases the stress hormone cortisol will help you feel calmer and in more control.

3. Retail therapy

You don’t even have to buy anything. I love Hobby Lobby, like I could spend all day walking the aisles. It is my therapy sessions. Although, I don’t go often, when I do it puts a smile on my face, and I come out more relaxed. I told my husband that these are my therapy sessions and they work.

My mind is highly analytical, with a closet creative lurking on the edges, it helps to force my mind to be creative. The juices start to flow and engage another part of my brain. I am sure there is some sciency reason for it, but I will just stick with it works.

Pick your favorite store and just walk around. Let you mind wonder. And if you want to indulge in a purchase, then do it (as long as it is in your budget).

4. Read a book

If you are having a no good very bad day, then you may just need a distraction. This gives you an opportunity to unplug from your circumstances and get a break from all the emotions. Then you can jump back in when you are done. Pulling away can help to give perspective.

So combine some retail therapy and buy a good book, win-win.

5. Gain perspective on your no good very bad day

Sometimes your idea of circumstances is not the true state of things. Although your feelings are telling you one thing, those feelings can be pretty little liars sometimes. You need a voice that is louder than the one inside your head, so you can gain perspective on your circumstances.

Yes, it is ok to cry. This can actually be a really good thing. Crying detoxifies your body, improves your mood, dulls pain, and helps restore emotional balance, among others. So if you feel like you are ready to explode, cry it out. You will probably feel better once it is out than you do holding it in. Find out more on the benefits of crying.

Conclusion: Mom’s No Good Very Bad Day

Mom, it is true that we have bad days. Let’s not pretend that we don’t. The important thing is not to stay there. You need to deal with it in a healthy way.

How do you handle a bad day? What are some of your favorite things to do when the emotions are threatening to overwhelm?





  1. Dana

    I have days like this. It seems like it happens more often when you have a little one. I love the journaling idea. This reminds me of the “morning pages” technique I did for a short time. It really helps! My go-to is putting on some music. I don’t dance, but singing to the music calms me down.

  2. Rosie

    This is inspiring! Whenever I’m having a bad day, I usually pause, remind myself it’s just for the day and that tomorrow it’s going to be better, then I steer things around by fixing the situation and doing something productive to counter that bad start.

  3. Vi-Zanne Ho

    I definitely have had days like this. Back then, it seemed like it was the worst day ever, and I just can’t stop crying, but crying was good for me! For me, I usually like to watch a good movie and just do nothing to let it all out, but retail therapy (without buying anything) works for me too!

  4. Patricia Chamberlain

    Retail therapy always helps me! Some times just browsing helps a lot!


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