by | Oct 10, 2022 | Running Your Business

Growing Your Business As A Side Hustle: Stephanie Smith

Growing your business while working a full-time job is probably one of the hardest stages of being a mompreneur.

Many mompreneurs find themselves starting a business while still working in the corporate world. Stephanie and her husband are working to building their bookkeeping business, raising their two boys, and working a full-time job.

I was really excited to talk with Stephanie about the in-between stage of being a momtrepreneur. Where you are torn between the corporate office job and your side hustle from home. We get into all that.

She also gives some great tools that she uses in her business that are for small budgets. I hope you get as much out of this interview as I did.

This post is just a brief summary of everything that we talked about. Be sure to listen to the full episode on growing your business as a side hustle.

Let’s Get into the Show on Growing Your Business

I wanted to really talk about the in-betweeny stage of growing a business. It doesn’t get a lot of coverage. As a momtrepreneur it is probably one of the hardest stages to be in because you are giving

40 hours a week to your corporate job, and the rest of your hours to your side hustle.

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How to Manage Corporate, Side Hustle, and Mom

The business growth is much slower when you are a momtrepreneur growing your business while working full-time. There are all the questions: Should I quit my job to focus on the business? Financially, are we ready for that? And, of course, mom guilt.

Listen to the episode on how Stephanie is figuring out how to balance it all.

Starting a Business for a Lifestyle Change

When we become new parents, we are smacked in the face with the reality that we want to be home with the kids. Whether it is mom or dad. Before they started the business, Stephanie and her husband were both working, but they decided they wanted a lifestyle change. They wanted to have their kids home, instead of putting them in daycare.

They started their accounting business as a way to provide this lifestyle change.

What is the Biggest Challenge You Face Growing Your Business

Stephanie chatted about some of the challenges she faces as she is growing this side hustle. Sometimes it can feel like she is living a double life. What she does in her day job is not the same. So it feels like she is managing a secret identity.

She is so amazed to see how the business is coming together.

Listen to the full episode to hear how they are building the flexibility they are looking for.

Managing Schedule and Young Kids

If you kids are still young it can be very hard to juggle client calls and keeping them occupied. I have teenagers in the home, so it is very easy for them to take the kids for me. However, for most families you don’t have this luxury.

Stephanie’s kids are 6 and 3. They no longer take naps, and she works from home. This can be challenging to manage. So how does she balance it all?

Listen to the full episode.

Conclusion: Growing Your Business

This was a great chat. We dived into more topics on finding clients, advice for moms wanting to venture into the entrepreneur world, and great tools to use in your business on a small budget.





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