by | Jan 4, 2024 | Keeping Your Sanity

Work Life Balance How To Slow Down Your Crazy Mom Schedule

Mom are you ready to figure out work life balance how to slow down and find time to enjoy your life?

Are you running around trying to conquer the world after only one cup of coffee, only to realize that there is still more to conquer? Homeschool mom and work from home mom, there is so much on our ever growing to do list. Do you think, once everything is done, then I will get a nice break? So you run around, stressing yourself out, trying to get everything done. Then the inevitable happens, something pops up and rest becomes an elusive dream. We need to figure out work life balance how to slow down your crazy mom schedule or just find time to take a break.

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Work Life Balance How to Recognize You Need It

I know this is a hot topic for so many moms. Whether you work from home and homeschool, work and school, or any variation of these. How to balance mom life and work it is always a struggle. Seeing this topic discussed in different social media groups, I’ve reached the conclusion that most moms have just given up on the idea of balance.

I must say, the zen-like balance that we are told we need to achieve is lost on me too. I don’t think we can achieve the beautiful pictures of the sunny beaches in the background. In front of you is the perfectly balanced rocks. It is the most serene and peaceful scene. Instinctively, we all know that is what we want. But reality is a far different picture than those perfectly balanced rocks. Just outside of this magical picture are kids running around screaming on the beach.

If you are trying to do all the things—kids, school, marriage, self-care, relationships, emotional well-being of your kids—and so much more. Then you recognize that you need to figure out work life balance, but how to do it?

Work Life Balance How to Start—The Enemy of the Good is Perfect

The one question that I am mostly asked by other moms: How do you balance it all? Yes, I am a mom of 6, I homeschool 5 of them, I work with clients, there is an expectation to be fed in this house. It is a lot to try an balance.

As moms, we always want to do things perfectly…well at least try anyway. That causes us to try to do it all. Take a deep breath. You don’t need to do a Martha Stewart gourmet meal every night. It is ok for the kids to make a frozen pizza. I know, I know we need to maintain the image of perfectly healthy meals three times a day. But I won’t tell, if you don’t tell.

Sometimes in our striving for perfect, we need to settle for good enough. It is ok for the meals to be good enough…you need to draw the line at ice cream for dinner. Even in your homeschool, they don’t need to master every subject. Seriously, when was the last time you used algebra. Start your journey to work life balance by giving up the idea of perfect, and be ok with good enough.

When we were first married, I always tried to keep the apartment clean. Even though I worked full-time, it was still something that we did. Then enter kid number 1 and a lot of baby stuff added to our one bedroom apartment. Still I worked to keep it clean and everything in its place. I would get so frustrated when things were overwhelming. Fast forward five more kids, and I’ve come to terms with constant clutter and dishes always in the sink. Seriously, we clear the sink out and 30 seconds later there’s a pile of dishes.

I really had two choices: come to terms with the fact that everything is not going to be pristine or waste my energy on being frustrated. Work life balance how to find it needed to start with letting go of the perfect, so I could embrace the good.

Work Life Balance is a Journey not a Destination

Maybe because I am in my 40s now, and I have more years to look back and reflect on. But I’ve come to realize that most of life is about the journey, not a destination. I know it sounds so cliché, and I am not a fan of all the clichés. Yet, it is true. Finding balance is about discovering it, in the season you are living.

Balance when I have an infant that needs to nurse and doesn’t sleep, looks a lot different than balance with a toddler that is getting into everything. Oh if we could just get 5 minutes where they don’t move. Balance on a busy day full of activities looks a lot different than on days when nothing is planned. Or days when projects are coming from clients at a rapid pace.

Work life balance is finding calm in the midst of your busyness. Yes, sometimes we need to make it happen and sometimes it just does.

We do need to balance all the things and we will get into the practical suggestions, but first come to terms with the fact that conquering the world is going to be a slower process, good enough is something you can live with, and balance is not a destination to reach. I must say I am feeling very zen and balanced as I am writing this. But it is a Saturday morning, and the kids aren’t awake yet.

3 Tips for Work Life Balance How to Practically Do it

All the “experts” will tell you that in order to find balance, you need to cut down your tasks to just the essentials. Learn to say no, more often. While I can agree with this sentiment, what about those of who have cut down but are still busy? We are just focusing on the essentials, but it is still a lot on our plates.

3 Tips to Find Work Life Balance How to Slow Down

1. Pace yourself

See everything as a marathon and not a sprint. I know this is not easy to do. I prefer to sprint and hurry up and get things done. But I don’t have the time to hurry up and get it all done.

Learn to schedule your day in a way that works for you. Figure out how many tasks you can reasonably do in a day. The key word here is reasonably. Start by asking yourself, what would your perfect day look like?

2. Schedule breaks

Even if it is only 10-15 minutes, schedule a time to sit on the couch and drink a cup of coffee. Put your feet up, close your eyes, and slow down.

Mom, we have to take a break at some point, and we need to give ourselves permission to take them. Otherwise we will burn out. I never realize how tired I am until I stop moving, and then I usually crash.

3. Spread it out

Everything doesn’t need to get done right now. I know, I know, but if you don’t do it right now, then you will forget it. Or you will forget all the ridiculously good ideas you have floating around in your head (at times like these have a notebook on hand).

Yes, it needs to get done, but it all doesn’t need to get done right now. I need to remind myself of this (actually my husband reminds me of this regularly).

Conclusion: Work Life Balance How to Find in Your Busy Mom Life

These are simple steps to take and you may already know this. But sometimes it is nice to know you are not alone, and it is ok to give yourself permission to slow down. Our lives are busy and sometimes it just can’t be helped. But if we don’t learn to control our lives then some else will.

It is up to us as individuals to take control and responsibility for the type of lives that we want to lead.

If you don’t design your life someone else will design it for you and you may just not like their idea of balance. Nigel Marsh

This is something that I need to remind myself of daily. And I am always looking for ways to improve. What do you do that helps you slow down and rest, but still accomplish your tasks?





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