by | Aug 19, 2024 | Homeschool

The Ultimate Guide To Homeschool All In One Curriculum

Homeschool all in one curriculums are a work from home mom’s secret weapon. But they get a bad rap in the homeschool world.

If you want to streamline your education journey, save time, and still tailor education for your kids. Then let’s dive into the ultimate guide to homeschool all in one curriculum.

There are so many homeschool curriculum options out there. It is hard to know where to start. Then throw in the added pressure that you if you are going to be a real homeschool mom you need to write your own curriculum, do hours of research, and carefully piece it all together. I don’t know if you can be a real homeschool mom if you aren’t doing this.

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Mom, working from home and homeschooling kids is stressful enough. It is ok to use a homeschool all in one curriculum.

The first couple of years of homeschooling I used all in on curricula, but they weren’t the right fit for everyone. My daughter has only used Abeka Academy and begged me to never change it. My boys on the other hand have used a few different ones.

I’ve done the piecing together, and the desperate search to just find that one book left on the list. Sitting down and organizing and planning the entire year. Making sure that each piece fit together in a logical order.

After spending so much time, effort, and energy, I went back to using homeschool all in one curriculum.

5 Benefits of Using Homeschool All in One Curriculum

Homeschooling is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our kids. They can explore their interests. Learn to be independent thinkers. Participate in homeschool co-ops. And have more hands-on experiences with different homeschool activities.

But it doesn’t mean it is a piece of cake. There are challenges to homeschooling. Finding the right curriculum and resources is one of them. It isn’t because there are a lack of resources. We have so many choices, you can start to get overwhelmed with decision fatigue.

Going with an all in one curriculum helps to eliminate these added stressors. Here are 5 more benefits to using homeschool all in one curriculum.

1. Saves Time

You aren’t spending time on research and searching for curriculum. After a few years of piecing things together, I decided we needed to make a bit more money, so I could buy open and go curriculum.

It was taking too much time to put it all together for all the kids.

If you still want to piece it together and save some time, then grab The Momtrepreneur’s Guide to Curriculum, 2nd edition.

2. The Planning is Done

his is one of my favorite things about homeschool all in one curriculum. All of the planning is done. I don’t need to sit down in the summer and plan our whole year. Type is up in Excel and hope I didn’t miss anything.

There are organizational tools, like Homeschool Planet, that can streamline the planning process for your eclectic homeschool.

3. Comprehensive

With an all in one curriculum, I know they are getting a comprehensive education. All the necessary subjects will be covered.

We’ve used a number of different curriculum. For homeschool all in one, we typically used Abeka Academy. Even with this program I’ve swapped out subjects because there was a different science they were interested in. And I still experienced all these benefits I am mentioning.

4. Accredited if You Need it

Let’s clear something up first. Curriculum cannot be accredited because that is not how accreditation works. Schools can be accredited because they are institutions.

The good news is there are homeschool programs that offer an accreditation because they are a school. The downside of these programs is you will be sending in schoolwork to these schools. I’ve been there done that, and I will never do it again.

But in some of the states where it is more difficult to homeschool, like Pennsylvania or New York, I would consider an accredited homeschool program to make the homeschooling process easier.

5. Kids are Independent

This is my favorite part with a homeschool all in one curriculum. Kids can open the box and start. It is easy for them to understand how a program works, and hit the ground running.

Working from home and homeschooling is challenging enough. I don’t want to make our curriculum harder to use.

homeschool all in one

How to Choose Your All in One Curriculum

There are so many homeschool all in one choices out there, it is important to consider certain factors before making a decision.

1. Parent Led or Not

There were some all in one curriculum that I fell hard for. It was amazing. The books, the style, it had it going on. But there was one thing that I couldn’t get past—it was parent-led, and I knew it would eventually break my heart.

Working from home and homeschooling adds another dimension to the homeschool all in one curriculum you choose. You need a curriculum that will allow your kids to work independently. Or at least without too much parent involvement.

Can your kids open the box and run with it?

2. Learning Styles

We homeschool so we can tailor learning to our kids learning styles. When you are choosing a homeschool curriculum, make sure it is a good fit for learning styles.

Early on in our homeschool, I discovered a homeschool all in one curriculum that was completely online. It was going to be perfect. There was a flat fee rate for the family, and it graded automatically. I really hate keeping grades for school. I thought I finally found my pot of gold at the end of the curriculum rainbow.

The three oldest kids the 30-day free trial…and one liked it. The other two were not impressed. My second son, the one who liked it, has been doing it ever since, but he is the only one who ever used.

Does your child engage well with the curriculum?

3. Budget

This is an important factor when considering homeschool curriculum. Think about ways to reuse it or sell it.

I work so I can buy curriculum…at least it is a motivator to keep working. The flexibility in being able to choose the curriculum that works best for all of us plays an important role in my ability to homeschool and work from home.

Popular Homeschool All in One Curriculum

Now that we’ve explored the benefits and features of homeschool all in one solutions, let’s take a closer look at some of the popular programs available.

There are more out there. These are the ones that I am familiar with.

1. Abeka

This is a curriculum that a number of my kids have used and use. We normally do Abeka Academy, the unaccredited homeschool program.

You can also get the full grade curriculum as well.

I prefer to start this around 3rd grade. Although my daughter did start it in second grade. We have used the K4 curriculum, and I wouldn’t recommend it for that grade. It is too much. If you want to do homeschool preschool curriculum, then I recommend Sonlight’s.

Abeka has an accredited curriculum path.

2. BJU

I’ve used pieces of their curriculum—Bible, English, and vocabulary—and it was good.

This is another great all in one option for homeschool curriculum.

These are just a few examples of the many all-in-one solutions available. It’s important to research and explore different programs to find the one that aligns with your educational goals and preferences.

3. Memoria Press

We used the full curriculum for fourth grade. It didn’t work for us, but if you like the classical education style of homeschooling, then this is a good homeschool all in one option.

I do like their literature guides. We used them over the years. In my years that I pieced everything together.

4. Monarch

This is the online homeschool program that my second son uses. He is the only one that was all in on it. For the most part, it is fine. I did not like their math, so we ended up switching curriculum mid-year.

If you want an all in one option that will grade for you, then this is one to look into. They also offer a 30-day free trial. It was a great way to see if this curriculum worked for us.

5. Master Books

This is another one that I’ve used bits and pieces of—My Story, Logic, Forensic Science, Civics, Worldviews in Conflict.

6. The Good and the Beautiful

I haven’t personally used this curriculum, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. If your kids are visual learners, then this is a great curriculum for that learning style.

7. Horizons

This is another one that I haven’t used personally, but I’ve seen good feedback on it. Horizons from Alpha Omega, is a good option to check  out.

homeschool all in one

Eclectic Homeschool All in One Curriculum 

Did you know you can still have an eclectic style homeschool and all in one curriculum? These publishers put it all together for you and give you the lesson plans. It is the best of both worlds.

1. Timberdoodle

I used this for homeschool kindergarten and first grade. I liked it better for kindergarten, it was too much for first grade.

2. Curriculum Express

I just discovered this website. It uses a lot of the same curriculum as Timberdoodle, but it is cheaper. It definitely worth doing a comparison shop.

3. Sonlight

This is one of the homeschool all in one curriculum that I’ve drooled over for years. But it is very parent-led, so I never did it for the lower grades. However, in high school, they shift to more student-led, so I used it with my oldest son.

He prefers books to textbooks, so this was a great fit for him. We used it for 9th and 10th grade, and then switched to dual enrollment.

Conclusion: Ditch the Stress and Save Time with Homeschool All in One Curriculum

Homeschool all in one curriculum is a valuable resource for streamlining your education journey. Especially if you have a big family, and you are a work from home mom

All in one curriculum take the stress out of planning and organizing your year. While giving you’re the confidence that your kids are getting a comprehensive learning experience.

Want to get the full review of all the curriculum we’ve used? The good, the bad, and the ugly. Avoid the mistakes I made and homeschool your kids with confidence. Grab The Momtrepreneur’s Guide to Curriculum.

FAQs About Homeschool All in One Curriculum

Q: How do I choose the right all in one curriculum for my child?

A: Consider your child’s learning style, academic goals, and your homeschooling philosophy to select a curriculum that aligns with your family’s needs and values.

Q: Can I customize homeschool all in one curriculum to suit my child’s unique needs?

A: Many all-in-one curricula offer customization options, allowing you to adapt lessons, adjust pacing, and incorporate supplemental materials as needed.

Q: How do I track my child’s progress and ensure they are meeting educational standards?

A: Utilize the assessment tools, progress tracking features, and reporting capabilities provided by the curriculum to monitor your child’s academic growth and mastery of concepts.

Q: What support resources are available for parents using all-in-one curricula?

A: Many all-in-one curricula offer parent guides, online forums, customer support, and community resources to assist parents in navigating the curriculum and addressing any challenges.

Q: Can all-in-one curricula be used for multiple grade levels or with multiple children?

A: Yes, most all-in-one curricula are designed to be adaptable for various grade levels and can be used effectively with multiple children, providing a flexible and scalable homeschooling solution.





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