Book Recommendations for Moms—Books So Good You’ll Read Them Twice

Reading is one of my favorite things to do. It is an avenue to learn outside of the prescribed system. Reading also connects you to other people and their stories.  And, it is just plain fun to read. I read any chance I get, which is not too many with 6 kids. My idea of a great vacation is finding a nice place to stay and reading a good book. But finding good book recommendations can sometimes be like digging for gold, but when you do strike it you’ve truly found treasure.

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book recommendations

What Reading Does for Your Mind

There are a number of studies on how reading benefits your mind. Here are a few results from those studies.

1. Slows the progress of dementia.

Your brain is a muscle. If you work it out, it will stay healthy and strong. If you don’t work it then your muscle will atrophy. Reading is a great way to improve your memory. When you read you are creating a new memory. Each new memory creates new brain pathways and strengths old ones. Think of all the things that you need to remember in just one story. You are creating a number of new brain pathways with just one book.

2. Reading is relaxing.

Yes, it is true reading helps you to relax and lowers your stress-levels. When you get swept away on the wings of a story, you forget your cares and slip into another world. One study found that 30 minutes of reading lowered blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological distress.

Another bonus, reading boosts your sleep quality. Since reading can help you relax and lower your stress levels this can also lead to a goodnight sleep.

3. We learn best from stories.

Even if the book is fiction. There are still facts and true events woven into the story. For example, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is mostly a fantasy story. But the premise for getting the Pevensie kids to the English countryside actually happened during World War II. London parents sent their children to stay with strangers in the country, while London was being bombed by the Germans. True events are woven into every story.

Stories matter because we are drawn to stories. We learn best through stories. They provide a way for us to learn from our past and interpret the future in front of us.

book recommendations

Here are some Additional Benefits You get from Great Book Recommendations

There are more benefits of reading and you benefit in all areas of your life from great book recommendations.

  1. Boosts vocabulary
  2. Encourage life goals
  3. Keeps your brain young
  4. Improves general knowledge
  5. Better Writing Skills
  6. Analytical thinking skills
  7. Improves concentration

Criteria for Book Recommendations

A good book must possess a few qualities for pure enjoyment. A book should be easy to read. Reading, for the simple pleasure of reading, shouldn’t be a difficult task. And you shouldn’t need a dictionary next to you. The writing needs to be engaging and tell a story that transports you to another world. Or takes you on an adventure through the wild woods of Europe. It must be something you enjoy reading.

If you struggle to actually read text. And some people are audio learners, so this doesn’t say anything about intellect, then listen to audio books. Take your books with you wherever you go.

Book Recommendations—so Good You’ll Read Them Twice

Here are some of my favorite book recommendations for the simple pleasure of reading. The list is limited to just 10, but I cheated a little and added whole series. You probably won’t find any of these books on Times Magazine’s All-Time 100 Novels (although they have a few good books on the list) or Barnes and Nobles 25 Books You Probably Should have Read Already. When these lists stop recommending The Spy Who Came in From the Cold and Catch-22, I will start taking them seriously.

Here are my book recommendations for you

  1. Anne of Green Gables Series by L. M. Montgomery
  2. Zion Covenant by Bodie & Brock Thoene
  3. Zion Chronicles by Bodie & Brock Thoene
  4. The Exodus by Leon Uris
  5. The Camel Club by David Baldacci
  6. King and Maxwell Series by David Baldacci
  7. The Racketeer by John Grisham
  8. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  9. The Russians by Judith Pella
  10. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

I could keep going with my list of book recommendations, but I will stop at 10. Tell us what are your favorite books? I am always looking for a good books to read, so let us know your favorite book recommendations in the comments below.





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