Book Reviews

Summer Reading Challenge: Books for All Ages

Are you ready for an epic summer reading challenge? Or at least a summer reading challenge that will keep kids off video games, skip the summer slump, and read books they will actually enjoy. Then this is the summer reading challenge list you’ve been waiting for. Some...

The Ultimate Book Club Reading List: 10 Books Not To Miss

Book club is a sanctuary for homeschool moms. It is a place for literature lovers to come together and share their thoughts. If you aren’t in a book club or want to get one started, this is for you. I’ve been part of a book club for a few years now, and the best part...

15 Excellent Homeschool Books For Winter Reading

It is a winter wonderland for the past few days. So it is a great day for homeschool books for winter reading. Winter is one of my favorite seasons followed by fall. I just love adding homeschool books for winter read alouds. Grab your hot cocoa, snuggle up around the...

25 Best Christmas Books You Can’t Miss This Holiday Season

Christmas is my favorite time of year. Actually, the entire holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year is my favorite time of year. One of the reasons I love the season so much is I give myself permission to kick back and read the best Christmas books. I thoroughly...

My Top 8 Best Business Books + Extras

As a momtrepreneur, you know you need to continue learning and educating yourself. But finding the best business books is not always easy. There are a ton of business books out there, but not all are created equal. I've read a lot of books—the good, the bad, and the...

Why You Should Join A Mom Book Club | Momtrepreneur + Homeschool Mom Life

Hey Moms, Welcome to the momtrepreneur coffee chat. I debated adding homeschool mom to the momtrepreneur, but decided not to. I use the word momtrepreneur to cover both the business mom side and the homeschool mom side. So momtrepreneur pretty much covers it all....

What Books To Read For Business, Improvement And Fun

Hey friends, another week of my break. I hope you are enjoying this time with your family! During this busy time of the year, most people start planning their resolutions and goals for the new year. Unless, of course, you took my advice about planning goals at a...

Glimpse Into A Momtrepreneur Life—Co-op, Book Club, Business Success

I wanted to do something a little different. And give you a glimpse on things that I've found interesting throughout the week. Grab your coffee and let's settle in and get a glimpse into the life of a momtrepreneur. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links....

How To Pick The Best Business Book

One of my favorite things to do, when I was growing up, was walking over to the library and immersing myself among the stacks. The silence enveloping me as I searched for my next great adventure. Reading always swept my imagination away, but it also fed my desire for...

Book Recommendations for Moms—Books So Good You’ll Read Them Twice

Reading is one of my favorite things to do. It is an avenue to learn outside of the prescribed system. Reading also connects you to other people and their stories.  And, it is just plain fun to read. I read any chance I get, which is not too many with 6 kids. My...

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