by | Dec 14, 2020 | Pregnancy and Babies

How To Combat Pregnancy Exhaustion: Pregnancy Symptoms At 5 Weeks

It usually hits like Hulk flying through the air to smash. Pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks always include exhaustion. You can literally sleep anywhere and anytime. You sit down on the couch to take a break and you fall asleep. In the car, on the train, at your desk, in the rain. You can sleep anywhere, anytime, you don’t care! Every nook and cranny of your body is not just tired, it is exhausted.

This can feel very overwhelming. Especially, if other little people are depending on you and, of course, you are running a business. And, you just found out you are pregnant that can take some time to get used to as well. Then your emotions play tricks on you, and your hormones are having a party that they didn’t invite you to. Pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks can be a lot.

Your body is doing a lot right now. Building a baby, creating the life support system for your baby (the placenta), increased metabolism, and lower blood pressure, to name just a few. There is a lot going on, so give yourself permission to take a break. Or your body will force you to do it.

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The Good News for Pregnancy Symptoms at 5 Weeks

But, dear mom, I have good news for you. I always like to give good news.

1. It won’t last.

Keep telling yourself over and over again. When you are this tired it feels like it is never going to end.

It will come to end. Sooner than you feel like it will right now. The intense pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks usually end by 14 weeks pregnant. That is not a guarantee, but in general you can plan on it. Symptoms could end earlier, or hang on a little longer. But you will get through it. You are not alone. We all know what you are going through. You can make it through.

2. You have a great excuse to kick things off your to-do list.

Don’t accomplish your goals. Give yourself permission to skip reading your business book for the month. Take it easy.

I had plans to work on this blog and get it ready for launch in January 2020. I found out I was pregnant in April 2019, and my due date was December 2019. Not a good time to launch a new business that was going to take a lot of time and energy. It was not easy to decide to push the launch of my blog out a year, but it was the best decision. And I felt so much relief when I made.

What can you take of your list, or even push out a few months? What will give you that feeling of relief? Whatever came to mind while I you read those questions, those are the things you need to put on hold.

3. Baby yourself.

I can’t stress this enough. Take it easy. Here’s a secret I am going to let you in on. I hate being told this. I am very much like a pit bull when I sink my teeth into something, I don’t let it go…ever. That is a good quality, but it can also be an exhausting one. If you are like me then this is going to be hard for you. There is always something else to do, for dragons to be slain, and worlds to be conquered.

From one high-energy mom to another, take a break. I promise, you will appreciate it. Baby yourself. What helps you relax? Whatever came to mind, do that. Give yourself permission to take a break.

How to Cope with Pregnancy Exhaustion

There are things that you can do to help you cope with exhaustion. Before I get into them, let me just be really clear. These don’t cure it or keep it at bay to the point of not noticing. You will still be exhausted, but from my own personal experience, I found I wasn’t as exhausted. It brought the exhaustion down from a level 10 to a level 7.


I am not talking about intense HIIT workouts, but simply go for a nice long walk. If you can, do it outside. This will help to combat the exhaustion. It will also help you get in shape, and they say it will help speed up your labor. I have fasts labors anyway, so I will take everyone else’s word for it. It also releases the happy hormone, endorphins. There are so many more benefits of walking during pregnancy. Listen to an audio book or your favorite podcast, lace up your shoes, and get moving.

Take a nap

I know this is the most obvious thing I can say. But it is hard to give yourself permission to sleep when you have a lot going on. You will feel better though. It doesn’t need to be 3 hours long. A short 45 minute nap will make you feel like a new person.

Watch movies

It is ok to watch a little more with your kids. Or they watch and you half nap and watch too. It’s ok. There is no room for mommy guilt right now.

It is hard to deal with pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks. But you can get through it. If you are feeling overwhelmed let us know. We are here for you mom!





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