Why You Should Join A Mom Book Club | Momtrepreneur + Homeschool Mom Life

Hey Moms, Welcome to the momtrepreneur coffee chat. I debated adding homeschool mom to the momtrepreneur, but decided not to. I use the word momtrepreneur to cover both the business mom side and the homeschool mom side. So momtrepreneur pretty much covers it all. These chats give me an opportunity to give you a real-life behind the scenes look at life as a momtrepreneur. I really try to laser focus on one topic or idea, so I can keep them somewhat short. Today we are going to talk about why you should join a mom book club.

But before we get into that, I want to remind you to check out this week’s show. I dive deep into something that I am not good at: Taking a Break and Finding Time to Recover.

You can connect with me through Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Grab your coffee, put your hair up and let’s get into today’s topic. Remember there is always more mentioned in the video and podcast.

This week we met for book club, the first time after the holidays. Usually, I don’t do group things like this, it is just not my thing. When the opportunity to join a book club came up, I jumped at it. Which is not my typical response. I had a realization that I crave the intellectual stimulation from talking about a book. We banned parenting and homeschool books from our genres to read, but everything else is wide-open.

Join a mom book club is a great way to connect. To be honest, I am introvert so joining a group thing is not something that I do very often. If I am going to get out, I would prefer one-on-one over coffee. So in a group sharing my thoughts is not my preference whatsoever. But even for me, the introvert who doesn’t do stuff like this, really gets a lot out of it and enjoys it.

Join a Mom Book Club or Start One—Ideas to Get Started

If you are hesitating to join a mom book club or you don’t know if there is one in your area, then you can start one.

Watch the video for the books we’ve read in book club and the groups response to them. I also throw in a few of my own suggestions that would be great to incorporate into a book club discussion.




1 Comment

  1. Carly

    I’d love to join a mom book club! I actually already have a few mothers groups for the social interaction but I think the motivation to put down my phone and read a book would be wonderful. I really do enjoy reading but just never seem to get around to it.


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