by | Oct 28, 2021 | Random Musings

Legitimate Work From Home Opportunities Without An MLM

Hey mom, grab your favorite mug, pour yourself a cup of joe, and let’s pull back the curtain and get a real life glimpse into what it means to be a momtrepreneur. These are spontaneous chats with just a few thoughts written in my notebooks. I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to talk about this week. But I wanted to pull back the curtain and talk about legitimate work from home opportunities.

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This past weekend my husband and I watched the documentary LuLa Rich, and it was very interesting. The documentary really explored the structure of this company, and the multi-level-marketing (mlm) model in general. For me, this way of selling has never appealed to me. I do know people who have made good money from different companies. But the number of people who haven’t made any money is far greater than those who did make money.

In the very last episode one of the women says, “You can have legitimate work from home opportunities without an upline or downline.” When I heard this I was thinking, “Yes, that is the whole reason for starting this blog. To help moms with these opportunities.”

How to Find Legitimate Work from Home Opportunities

It is easy to see the appeal of mlm companies, but for the vast majority of moms who join, the statistics are against you. So let’s talk about ideas to work from home. Watch the video below as we take a deeper dive into this topic.

If you want to start a virtual assistant business, here are some resources to get you started: Prepare before You Take the Leap, Start a Virtual Assistant Business, What You Need to Start, You Essential List of Home Office Supplies, and How to Get Clients.





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