by | Aug 14, 2023 | Teens

How To Motivate Teens For The Future

Has the panic hit you yet? Are you trying to motivate teens for the future. We are going to get into all that in this momtrepreneur life coffee because it is an important topic.

Throw your hair up in a messy bun and let’s chat about life as a homeschool mom and momtrepreneur. This is the time we get into life behind the scenes.

I recently did a Q & A. It was about high school transcripts, but in the group someone asked how do motivate teens for the future. I felt like this question needed more time and space, then I could give for that time frame. So I decided to answer in a coffee chat.

I am running the gambit of every age group—from toddler to teen. It is a constant reminder of how quickly kids grow up.

The Teen Years

Someone described the teen years as emotionally draining. The toddler years are physically draining, but the teen years pull on your emotions.

I’ve found this to be true. As you get into the teen years, you feel like you are running out of time. Has anything I said over all of these years sunk in.

How to Motivate Teens for the Future

My first question is, do they really need to think about the future? This is what I mean. A lot of times we put pressure on them to know exactly what they want to do with their career and future.

I look back on my own life at 17 and 18. And I had no idea what I wanted to do. I didn’t even know what the next step was going to be. Seeing where I am today, my 18-year-old self would have never picked it. So I am living my best unimagined life now. That’s why following your dreams doesn’t work.

Strategies to Motivate Teens for the Future

My oldest is 18, but still in high school. Four kids have summer birthdays, so I started school when they just turned six, instead of just turned five. Best decision. So he has one more year of high school.

Right now, we are just having him think about the next couple of years. That’s what we know. This helps him to start taking responsibility and to start saving. Because what he has in mind will cost money, and it isn’t coming from us.

Be flexible. So much can change in these years. I don’t think it is fair to expect our teens to think about the future. They need to focus on the immediate future.

One caveat, they should not be couch potatoes playing video games. This is the time to put into practice stability, responsibility, and maturity.

There is a whole lot more in the show. Be sure to watch or listen.





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