by | Nov 10, 2022 | Self-Improvement

Schedule vs Routine | Momtrepreneur Life Coffee Chat

Mom the struggle is real. Trying to balance clients, your kids’ education, and not be stressed out about all of it, is a genuine struggle. For this week’s momtrepreneur life coffee chat, we are going to talk about schedule vs routine.

Welcome to another momtrepreneur life coffee chat. I have been working from home and homeschooling my kids before it was cool. I share with you from my almost 10 years of experience has a homeschool and work from home mom. But I was homeschooled too, so there are a lot of years of experience.

If you want to work from home and homeschool confidentially, then you are in the right place.

Schedule vs Routine: What the Productivity Gurus Tell You

There are so many experts, who will tell you that they only way to get anything done is to schedule every minute of your day. If you want to get these big, hairy scary goals done, then you need to schedule every minute of your day.

I always want to raise my hand and ask, “So tell me exactly how I do that with 6 kids?”

How do You Schedule Your Day When So Many Things Pop Up

There are so many unexpected things that pop up. If you are a mom of any number of kids, your day is getting interrupted.

Then you start down the slippery slope of nothing getting done. You start to feel discouraged and stressed because you lovely block schedule is not working.

So you try it again the next day…and the same thing happens.

schedule vs routine

Schedule vs Routine: Rebel Mom Mode

I wanted to present another way to get all the things done. It is not an idea that comes from what all the experts say. So this is full rebel mom mode.

One of my biggest peeves is the absolutism that comes from these experts. They say this is the way to do it, and leave room for no other ideas. This is the only way to do it. Their suggestions may work for some, but I find that they don’t work for moms.

I remember listening to these experts and getting so frustrated and fed up because it was impossible for me to apply to my life.

If that is you. You’ve tried everything, but it just doesn’t work for you. I want to offer an alternative.

An Alternative to the Schedule vs Routine

This alternative to scheduling every minute of your day has been tried and tested by this mom. And it works for moms working from home and homeschooling their kids. Start with a morning routine.

With the busy holiday season approaching, I want to dive deeper into practical help so you can get all the things done. Or to be ok with not getting them all done.

Listen or watch the episode for all my tips…and why I hate time blocking.





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