by | Mar 11, 2024 | Work from Home

The Wild Ride Of Momtrepreneurs: Secret To My Success

Success. This is a word that I love to hate. And a word the occupies my thoughts often. It intrudes on my musing because I want to know the secret to my success.

What is the magic bullet or the secret formula? What is the one thing that I can do that will launch my business overnight? If you are a momtrepreneur then you want these questions answered too. There is so much momtrepreneur advice, it can be hard to find what will work for you.

This post is going to unlock the secret to my success, and it’s not what you think.

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My husband text me the other day, when he was in the middle of a podcast, and said, “You really need to listen to this podcast. I really think you need to hear it.” He rarely says this, so when he does I tend to listen. And it was exactly what I needed to hear.

Finding the Secret to My Success, it Doesn’t Happen Overnight

To be perfectly honest, I really hoped this blog would be an overnight success. You know that I would wake up one morning and there were suddenly 10,000 page views or my YouTube subscribers jumped to 1,000. Or a pin went viral. Any one of these scenarios would work.

Yes, all the veteran bloggers say at least 3 years. But there is always the exception to the rule. And we all hope that we will end up being the exception. So how do I find the secret to my success?

What Exactly is Success?

Success. What is success? How do you answer this question? Everyone starts a business with the desire for it to be successful. Even with the odds against us. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics 50% of businesses will fail. Your chances of being successful is fifty-fifty. After reading that you are probably thinking, “Then what’s the point, why should I even try?”

Let’s not trodden the pessimistic path of defeat. There are so many emotions that you go through when you are trying to build your business. Instead, let’s take the time to really define what success is before we start. We kind of have this ethereal idea of success. The idea of success is usually defined by what other people accomplished.

As a momtrepreneur, your success isn’t going to look like your mother’s, your sister’s, or the blogger you follow. You get to break all the rules on how you work and homeschool. You get to define success on your own terms.

This is What Success Looks Like for the Momtrepreneur

These are just some ideas to find the secret to your success. And a few ways that you can start to define success on your own terms.

Your success can look like:

  1. Bringing in enough money to meet your minimum budget
  2. Paying for the homeschool curriculum that is going to make it easier to homeschool your kids, and add wonder and excitement to your homeschool
  3. Going on a family vacation
  4. More time to take your kids on adventures
  5. Working in your dream industry or with your dream client
  6. The ability to buy the car you need
  7. Time to write the book that’s been on your mind and get it published
  8. Getting a gym membership
  9. Creating passive income streams
  10. Learning something new

You are not limited to just these things. The secret to your success may not be on this list, but how you define success for yourself it what’s important. These are just ideas to get you started.

Here’s the thing about defining your success—it can change from year to year. You can pivot your business, or reach for another goal or milestone. The secret to my success is that it can change with my circumstance and what I need to do today.

One of my favorite quotes is:

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill

This quote is hanging on the wall of our schoolroom/office. It reminds me and the kids that success is not a destination, but a journey. A journey for us to take and decide what makes it successful.

3 Ways to Find the Secret to My Success

Now that you have some ideas in your mind. How do you actually do it? There are so many emotional ups and downs when it comes to starting a business. Trust me, I can’t count all the times that I thought about just giving up. Asking myself if this was really worth the time, effort, and energy. At least once a day…sometimes more.

1. The long game

The podcast that my husband told me I need to listen to was Smart Passive Income. As a momtrepreneur you know the daily struggles you face wondering if your idea is good. Riding the emotional rollercoaster of starting a business. The ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like we are the only ones struggling, everyone else didn’t go through what we are going through…right?

When I listened to the podcast, and the interviewee gave this timeline: It takes 2-3 years to see any movement with a new business and five years to see any significant money come in. (She wrote a book The Long Game by Dorie Clark. I haven’t read it yet, but it is in my library queue.)

This is not what I wanted to hear, but it is what I needed to hear. Yes, I know these stats already, but I am always hoping to the be the exception to the rule. Anyone else with me?

Write this down and post everywhere you look: There is no such thing as an overnight success. You have to play the long game. So if it looks like you won’t end up being the exception to the rule, it is good to keep reminding yourself of how long it takes.

2. Time to put processes in place

As much as I would like my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel to be an overnight success. The reality is that I need the time to learn, grow, learn from experience, and to put processes in place to handle it.

It doesn’t matter how much research you do, you still need the practical experience to figure out what actually works for you. There is a learning curve to everything you do. Yes, research is needed, I love research, but you need to also put the knowledge you’ve gained into action. That takes time.

This process is also going to change you, and show you more of yourself. This will always be the outcome of anything that is hard to do.

3. You can only go as fast as you can

This is a hard one for me to make peace with. When I worked in the corporate world, I could zero in, take on the world and conquer it, in a matter of hours. I don’t have that luxury any more. I am home with 6 kids. Homeschooling them. Juggling clients because I still need to make money, and trying to get this blog, podcast, and YouTube channel off the ground.

I also have plans to write a book and create a course that will go along with the Mom Boss 2.0 workbook. These are all good things and will be assets to my business. But they all require a lot of time to get them done. I can only go as fast as I can. There are limitations to my time, whether I like it or not, and I need to make peace with these limitations…instead of throwing a tantrum about it.

This is one of those hard lessons that I am learning when it comes to the secret to my success. As much as I don’t like it, I can only conquer part of the world instead of the whole thing.

Conclusion: What is the Secret to Your Success?

How to do you define success? Do you struggle with staying the course with your business? The secret to my success may not look the same as yours.

Let me know if the comments below! We all need help and encouragement when it comes to making our businesses a success.

If you are ready to break free from the 9–5, be your own boss, raise your kids, and enjoy your life. Then download the free 20-page workbook and get started to finding the secret to your success.





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