by | Jan 24, 2022 | Self-Improvement

Sleep The Elusive Friend: The Importance Of Sleep

Throughout our lives we have an almost antagonistic relationship with sleep. As a child we fight tooth and nail to avoid it. But as an adult, we no longer have the time to enjoy sleep as much as we like. Sometimes if feels like a cruel joke. The importance of sleep at any age is crucial for a healthy mind, body, and emotional well-being. Last week we talked about growing a bigger family, so it is totally appropriate to talk about sleep now.

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I recently walked through Barnes and Noble browsing the shelves. And what I found interesting, no matter where I looked there were books on getting better sleep. They were everywhere. That tells me that sleep is a very popular topic and most of us aren’t getting it.

Here is a very honest story from me, a mom who hasn’t slept in years (well that is an exaggeration but when you have so many kids it feels that way). One morning I was crying. There was no reason for it. My kids were fine, I did not have an intense discussion with my husband, the day started out normally. There was literally nothing to cry about. What caused the flow of tears? One thing, I had a horrible night of sleep, and the thought of trying to get through the day was overwhelming.

The importance of sleep in your life cannot be overstated, unfortunately, most of us don’t get enough of it. The recommended amount of sleep is 7-9 hours for adults. If you aren’t getting that amount, think of how you can improve your mind, body, business, and family by getting more sleep.

The Importance of Sleep According to Science

There are numerous studies and papers on the importance of sleep. I am only going to cite a few points that Jordan Petersen made in his book 12 Rules for Life. And these are the ones that I found most interesting.

The body systems that regulate negative emotions are tied to our sleep patterns. Anxiety can be greatly reduced by having a stable consistent sleep. Acts of life, like sleep, must have a stable routine.

I am going to leave off on the rest of the science I could add to this because, honestly, we don’t need science to tell us that we need to sleep.  I know that when I don’t get a lot of sleep I feel like I am having an out-of-body experience. Have you ever felt that way? It is like my body is functioning on its own, but my brain needs time to catch up.

The Importance of Sleep for the Whole Body

Sleep affects every part of your body. According to this article (I know I said I was moving away from the science but just a little more) sleep is important for your emotions, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Emotions: Sleep has a direct impact on your mood, which in turn  will affect your inter-personal relationships. Lack of sleep over a prolonged period of time can also lead to depression.

Mentally: Lack of sleep also impacts your higher functions of reason, problem-solving, and attention to detail. The importance of sleep for your brain is amazing. You get more sleep, you think clearer and focus better.

Physically: Your body needs sleep. This is the time that your body works to repair and restore itself. The result of a good night sleep is quicker reflexes too. More tired people get into traffic accidents than those who are driving alert because they slept well. Research also shows that lack of sleep can produce diabetic-like conditions in healthy people.

Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert at NIH said, “It affects growth and stress hormones, our immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure and cardiovascular health.”

Spiritually: This could probably fit under mood too, but I wanted to make a distinction. Understanding the importance of sleep for our mind and body will have a direct impact on how you view your relationship with God. Throughout the Psalms the writer laments a number of times that he has cried into his pillow all night long. But in the Psalms, it also says that God gives his beloved sleep. Even the Bible teaches the importance of sleep.

The Importance of Sleep for a Busy Mom

Mom, I know your plate is full. Sometimes it seems like the only solution to manage everything is to sleep less, so you have more time for your tasks. Listen, I know because this is always my solution. There doesn’t seem to be another way. So I am not writing this post, thinking that I have all the answers. Frankly, I don’t. But maybe, just maybe we can figure out a solution together. And encourage fellow momtrepreneurs that sleep is just as important as everything else we do.

How to Get Sleep After a New Baby

There are certain points in your life when sleep is impossible. Like with a new baby and sometimes those postpartum hormones mess with your sleep, which just adds to more hours without sleep. There are a few things that you can do, if this is the stage you are at.

1. Keep things in perspective

Remember a lack of sleep messes with your emotions, so you will have extreme reactions to things. When our first son was born, I used to call my husband at work laughing and crying. It just happens, so remind yourself that it won’t be like this forever. It will pass.

2. Take one day at a time

When you aren’t getting enough sleep it can start to feel like this is how it will always be (see point 1 on keeping things in perspective). But it isn’t. Some nights of sleep will be better than others, so just take one day at a time. This season of your life won’t last forever, even if it feels that way at the moment.

3. Take naps during the day and try to get 4 hours of straight sleep

If you can, take a nap. But if you would rather use the little time you have to take a shower. That’s ok too. I know all the advice says to sleep when the baby sleeps, but sometimes you need to feel human first before you can do it.

Did you know that you only need 4 hours of sleep in a row to feel like you had a full night of sleep? When I read this after giving birth to our first baby, it was a lifeline. I remember thinking, yes, I can try for 4 hours of sleep. That was goal that could easily be reached. After 6 kids, I can say this is true. Just getting those 4 hours of sleep made all the difference in the world.

How to Get Sleep If You Just Can’t Sleep

Mom, yes your mind churns and sometimes you think your best thoughts in the middle of the night. Or your most anxious ones. Whatever the case may be, you may still be losing sleep (and you no longer have a baby as the reason).

Here are some ideas to help you get more sleep at night. If you have chronic insomnia that is something that should be discussed with a medical professional.

1. Keep a notebook by your bed

Did you know that once you write something done it gives your mind permission to stop thinking about it? If ideas and to-do lists race through your mind at night. Then keep a notebook by your bed, write down your world conquering ideas, and give your brain permission to stop thinking about it.

2. Read instead of TV

Yes, the blue light from screens is known to affect your sleep rhythms. Try turning it off 30 minutes before you sleep, don’t grab your phone, and read a book (preferably a physical book and not an ebook). Here are some books suggestions just for mom to get you started.

3. Go to bed earlier

If you need to sleep longer, the only way that is going to happen is by going to bed earlier. Create a nightly routine that starts to signal your brain that it is time to start powering down. Decide on a bedtime and a wake up time, and stick to it.


Magnesium is also known to help with sleep. I’ve tested this out personally, and I highly recommend giving it a try. You can read more on it.

Conclusion: The Importance of Sleep

There is a lot of information here, but don’t let it add to your stress. If you need to get more sleep, then start with one thing mentioned. When I told my husband my topic for this post. He started chuckling because I am not known for making rest a high priority. So let’s try to get better at this together.

You don’t need to do everything all at once. If you want to be your best self physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, the importance of sleep needs to be a priority.

Let me know what you decided to do, or what you are already doing that works for you.





  1. Elisa

    I actually wrote a post about sleep deprivation too because I used to struggle so much with sleep since I became a mom.

  2. Chelsea

    I have been struggling with sleep for almost two years after the birth of my daughter, who has been a terribly inconsistent sleeper. I can attribute a lot of my postpartum stress, mood swings, and breakdowns to the lack of sleep I was experiencing. Thank you for this helpful post on ways to take care of ourselves and work on our sleep as moms!

  3. Jenn

    Excellent tips on getting sleep. I didn’t find magnesium made a difference for me, but I know lots of people it helped, so glad it’s here. I also find that getting outside during the day helps a lot.

  4. Dana

    I’ve struggled with not enough sleep or sleep issues my whole life. It has gotten worse being a mom of a little one. I like your idea of having a journal next to your bed. I have a tendency to overthink things especially at night which has impacted my sleep. I will try that!

  5. Val

    Thank you for this post Jodie! In the last few years I’ve prioritized sleep a LOT more. A big part of that was reading about the link between sleep deprivation and dementia / Alzheimers. I work 4 10 hour days and on the weekends I make a point of taking naps. I talk to my daughter often about how sleep is so important.

    I highly recommend following the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement on Insta:


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