by | Nov 22, 2021 | Homeschool, Work from Home

What Should You Wear To Homeschool & Work from Home

Hi Moms, Welcome to the Life Unboxed coffee chat. For these shows we kickback, drink some coffee, and pull back the curtain to get a real life glimpse of the momtrepreneur life. Some days you just need to throw your hair into a ponytail, put on your I’m a Mom, What’s You Superpower? shirt, so you can remind yourself that you have powers. Let’s talk what to wear to homeschool and work from home.

This question is asked in homeschool groups and there are even blog posts on what you should wear to work from home. Mom, let me be your fashion guide and let’s have some fun with this questions: What to wear to homeschool and work from home.

A woman in a suit with arrows pointing to woman in pajamas pin to pinterest

To Look Your Best to Homeschool and Work from Home—You Got to Know Where to Shop

If you hate shopping, then the place to shop is Costco. You can load up your shopping cart and then go through the clothes to get what you need. This is the ultimate mom shopping. You don’t need to go to any other store. This is your one-stop shop. We are high fashion divas buying our clothes at Costco. Get your hamburger meat for dinner and a shirt to wear the next day.

My Fashion Journey

Remember the scene from Runaway Bride, at the wedding all the groom’s side is from New York City, and they are all in black, high-powered suits. Yep, that is what my closet looked like for many years. I had my high-powered suits. Once we moved from New York City, I sold my suits on Ebay.

Now that I am work from home mom, I do not dress up to go sit down at my desk. Yes, I’ve seen the post that tell you that you should still get dressed and wear your makeup. You should still feel like you are going to the office.

What we Wear to Homeschool and Work from Home

Moms, if we aren’t going anywhere, then is jammies all day. That is what I like to wear. I am the most comfortable in them.

The important thing is to do what works for you. If you want to get up every morning and get dressed, then do it. We’ve done both, but at this point in our journey, I just like getting up and working in my comfortable clothes.

I say more in the video, so be sure to watch the full video below! We talk more about make-up and planning for your day.





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