We’ve Been Told Sitting is the New Smoking, But It’s Worse

At this point, I think we have all heard how bad sitting can be. There are studies that say sitting is the new smoking. Knowing how bad smoking is for you, sitting must be really bad. But can we really say that sitting is the new smoking? Is this a comparable argument? So I decided to satisfy my curiosity and look it up. How bad could it really be?

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The Facts on Sitting is the new Smoking

Here are a few facts. We sit a lot. More than 25% of adults sit for more than 8 hours a day. Which by itself is not a big deal. But add in watching 3 hours of television and activity level is less than 20 minutes a day. Sitting too long without activity becomes a legitimate health risk. In the study, those who sat the most were at a greater risk for diabetes and cardiovascular events.

As moms, working from home, there are so many places to sit down. Since it feels like we are running a marathon every day, between juggling clients, homeschooling kids, and running errands. It is easy to think we are getting in enough movement.

A few years back, my husband and I decided to join the fitness watch trend and we bought Garmins. As a kid I was always into sports. Living in NYC I always walked everywhere. So when my Garmin arrived I was curious to see how working from home changed my movements. And I was shocked. On average I only clocked in about 1500 steps a day (the recommended daily goal is 10,000 steps). I was not moving nearly as much as I thought I was. It was a stunning reality check.

Sitting is the new Smoking?

Although, the facts mentioned about were an eye opener there was another side-effect of sitting that I found to be much worse…for my vanity. What I found was shocking and disturbing. So what could be worse than sitting is the new smoking? Really, I think I’ve scared us enough with the facts mentioned above.

So, what could be worse? Are you ready for this? Can you handle it? Here it goes. Sitting causes your butt to get wider. There I said it. I cringe just typing it. After 6 kids, trust me I don’t need any help in that area. But it is true. Sitting at your desk for 8 hours a day changes the shape of your backside. Yes, we can all cry right now. Go ahead.

According to this article, “When you sit all day, basically what happens is your glutes shut down.” What!? The ripple effect of these muscles shutting down causes your hip flexors to tighten up and it changes the shape of your butt. The physical effects is back pain, joint pressure, and muscle atrophy.

Another side-effect of sitting for prolonged periods of time—cellulite. Because of a lack of blood flow this causes loss of collagen and can contribute to more cellulite.

The Remedy to Sitting is the new Smoking

Enough bad news. I think we are all convinced that sitting for days on end is not healthy for us, and the  side-effects can be less than flattering. The obvious answer to countering all of these negative effects is obvious—move more. You only need 60-75 minutes of moderate activity, a steady walk, to counter the effects of sitting too long. But when you are a mom, working from home, homeschooling kids, and not sleeping through the night. The idea of moving more can make you feel even more exhausted…and you haven’t even moved yet.

Here are few ideas to get up and moving

1. Standing desk

For years this has always been the solution. I used a standing desk for over a year. The result was new pain in my shoulders and I still had back pain. It didn’t work out well for me, but maybe you will have better results.

2. Workouts to do at home

Here’s a list of some of my favorite workouts. Squats and lunges are great to counter the effects of sitting. I always try to incorporate them in my walking routine. Whether I walk inside or outside, I always add them in.

3. Exercise at your desk

Since the idea first came out that sitting is the new smoking, the fitness industry has jumped on providing equipment to use at your desk. Full disclosure, I haven’t tried these yet, but I am always curious. There are mini exercise bikes. They slip under your desk and you pedal. I think these would be better than the treadmill desks. At least more practical for a mom working from home. There are wobble cushions that help with your core. There are also desk ellipticals.

There are so many things you can do to get moving. Remember, the most important thing is to just start. Just start by doing 10 squats every hour. Get up from your desk and whip out those squats. You will be amazed at how quickly you progress when you just start somewhere.

Are you shocked by these finding, or did you are already know? What are you going to do to start moving?  Do you have any ideas to share with us moms?




1 Comment

  1. Chelsea Newill

    Thank you for addressing this topic! So many people don’t know how harmful a sedentary lifestyle is. I really appreciate your recommendations for how to get out of it! I personally love standing while I type, especially since I feel like I can actively FEEL my hips and glutes deteriorating lol.


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