by | Mar 4, 2024 | Random Musings

What Does Failing Forward Mean

What does failing forward mean? Failing forward is one of those phrases we hear all the time. But, at this point, it has reached the status of losing its meaning.

This is one of those statements that is at the top of all the mindset guru’s lists. But what does failing forward mean? Is it really possible to always fail forward. Is failure always a bad thing?

People who avoid failure also avoid success.

What Does Failing Forward Mean When Failure is Inevitable

There are so many hard feelings that surround failure. Especially, if you are a perfectionist.

Here’s the thing about failure, it is inevitable. How we respond to it, and what we do with it shows who we really are. This is probably the best answer to what does failing forward mean.

How do we let failure change us for the better?

Is Failure an Excuse or a Teacher

Failure is ok, necessary, and unavoidable. It is not the end of the world…but it may feel like it in the moment. Failure doesn’t need to be shameful either.

When Coke launched New Coke in 1985, it was a disaster. People rebelled against the change. Even going so far as to publicly dump it down Seattle sewers. This was a shock because Coke did all the right things. They product tested it, and they had a secure place in American lives. Everything pointed to success.

No expected the outrage. After 77 days, the previous version of Coke was brought back. Was this a dismal failure, or is this the perfect example of what does failing forward mean.

However, in hindsight, all the historians see that it was a great move because Coke sales soared when they returned the Classic Coke. But at the time it seemed like a terrible failure. Like lose your job failure.

We can either accept our failures and allow them to teach us. Or use them as an excuse for never growing or changing.

What Does Failing Forward Mean When Bad Things Happen

There are things that we experience that were out of our control. And all the cliched statements—just fail forward or what doesn’t kill you only makes your stronger—aren’t helpful. They lack substance. Really, can anyone tell you exactly how to fail forward or get stronger, when circumstances are so devastating you never really recover?

What would you think if I told you this isn’t a true statement. That it has been scientifically debunked. Would you breathe a sigh of relief because your difficult circumstances haven’t made your stronger?

What would you do if you were given permission to recognize that there have been hard things in your life that beat you down. Learning from experience is understanding that those circumstance don’t need to make you stronger, but you just need to realize it is time to get back up.

As moms, sometimes, we just need those hard places validated.

Jodie the Mom

You don’t have to think positively about every situation. Sometimes you need time to bring a different outlook and you can’t rush the process.

I know the nice advice people offer—think positively, have a growth mindset, create positive self-talk. What if you can’t? What if you just aren’t at that place. It is ok. You don’t have to be.

Some Endings Should Happen

I know many well-meaning people want to encourage you to never give up. But what about times when don’t give up is the wrong advice?

Sometimes failing means that you need to end something that is not working, so you can redirect your resources. We have limited resources—time, money, energy—we need to put these resources into something else.

There are some endings that are necessary. In the moment, it can feel like total and complete failure. But it is what you need to propel you to your next step.

What we see as failure is success in the waiting.

Jodie the Mom

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3 Steps Required to Fail Forward

Failure is hard. It can knock you down, but it doesn’t have to knock you out. Failure is inevitable. It is your choice whether it will move your forward or stop you in your tracks. If you are ready to fail forward, then apply these three steps.

1. Recognize the process

Each time we fail, it should change us. There are always lessons learned from every failure. Recognize the process in your life and apply the lessons learned to your next steps.

Admit where you are at. Acknowledge your emotions. Start to process your feelings. And make a list of next steps.

It is ok to acknowledge you are in a hard place. That you are disappointed with how things turned out, but don’t stay in that place. Let this moment teach you the lessons you need to learn.

2. Failure is not final

Failure doesn’t determine your success. In the moment, it may feel like there is nothing more left. But failure is not final. Remember that.

Have you heard of the game Lexiko or Criss-Cross Words? Probably not. But have you heard of the game Scrabble?

Lexiko and Criss Cross Words were the early versions of Scrabble that were rejected by Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley. In 1949, the game was purchased by James Brunot, and he immediately lost money on it. Then in 1952, it all changed. An executive at Macy’s discovered the game, and suddenly they couldn’t keep up with demand. In 1953, they sold 800,000 games and still couldn’t keep up with demand.

Failure is not final.

3. It is the next step to success

See failure as making room for something else. We have limited time and energy. Do you want to keep spending your time and energy on something that isn’t working? Or is it time to shift gears to something else? Failure is just the next step to success. Take everything that you’ve learned and apply it to your next endeavor.

Conclusion: What Does Failing Forward Mean

Failing forward means you take all the lessons learned and move forward. Yes, failure is painful, and you will need to process the emotions. But it is not final.

What are some lessons you’ve learned from failure?





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