Part 3: How to be Successful In Business As A Generalist

In part 1 of the series we talked about What is a Generalist and How to be a Great Virtual Assistant as One. Part 2, we discussed the Generalist vs Specialist ideas. In this final post, we are going to cover How to be Successful in Business as a Generalist. It can be done.

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There are so many books on how to be successful in business. Have you ever read a book and thought: “Finally. Someone gets me. I’m not alone.” You just connect with what the author said. You almost feel like you’ve been in a desert for so long and, finally, you reach an oasis. This was my thought when I first read Range by David Epstein.

The biggest obstacle I faced, when I was starting my virtual assistant business, was the idea of specializing. This was a mountain that I couldn’t climb. You see, there wasn’t just one thing that I was an expert at or overly blessed with talent in. My jobs always required a wide-range of thinking and skills. I was never able to focus on just one thing. And the question tormented me: How to be successful in business as a generalist? Was it even possible?

How to be Successful in Business My Own Experience

How to be successful in business is probably your number one question. It was definitely mine. When I launched my virtual assistant business, I came to the conclusion that I could only be me. Trying to fit this square peg into a round hole wasn’t going to happen. It is already a highly emotional time launching a business, I didn’t need one more thing that “I was supposed to do.” So I launched my business as a generalist. I didn’t offer a specific field of expertise, but I did offer a wide-ranging skillset.

Here are somethings that I have done as a virtual assistant. I never even thought I would do these tasks when I started out: understand the traditional publishing industry, design a magazine AD with a distribution of more than 2 million leaders, negotiate publishing agreements, build business websites and blogs, write resumes, write about pressure washing, marketing, bookkeeping, write on mental health, to name just a few.

My first “career” job was in accounting and I was very good at it. If I committed to doing just that one thing, I would never have made it to where I am. I can’t know the outcome of this ‘what if’ scenario, but I do know that I would never gained the skills and expertise I have today. And I would hate it.

I confess, I prefer the variety that comes with being a generalist. The fact that my work changes and that I challenge myself to learn something new, keeps me from getting bored. I am an information junkie, so I like to learn new things.

5 Ways to Achieve Success in Business as a Master Generalist

You can do this mom. It is scary venturing in the opposite direction that everyone is telling you to go in. When you hear specialize and find your niche all the time, it is hard to decide to try to do it differently. But, mom, let’s stop trying to fit into someone else’s idea of how to be successful in business.

Now that you’ve decided to take the first step in the direction of being a generalist. Let’s get into how to be successful in business as one.

1. Leverage all of your skills

Whether you’ve gained skills in a traditional office, as a mom, from your jobs as a teenager, or in school. Combine all the knowledge you’ve gained and bring those skills into your business.

One of the tasks in one of my jobs was to help proofread and edit. At the time, I was never formally trained as an editor. But my homeschool curriculum put so much emphasis on grammar that I became an integral part of the editing team. My job title at the time was executive assistant, not editor or communications…a master generalist at work.

If you need some ideas of the skills you possess. Think of your mad skills as a mom. You are a planner, multitasker, able to execute projects from start to finish (remember the amazing first birthday party you planned for your first born? Project executed from start to finish).

Every aspect of your life contributes to your skills as a master generalist. And this is how to be successful in business as a generalist.

2. Habit of learning

If you aren’t already in the habit of learning, then cultivate this mindset. I highly recommend the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you find that you always give up on the goals that you’ve set, then this will is a great alternative to the goal gurus. The idea is to improve 1% every day. Make a little but consistent progress every day, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Ask yourself these questions: In order to achieve success in business what do I need to learn, and what do I want to learn?

You can learn anything from a book or the internet. Formal classroom training is not required (but you already know that if you are a homeschooling mom). Going back to my personal example of being an editor. Once I established myself as an informally trained editor. This led to being asked to edit and design a curriculum workbook to be self-published. I’ve never done this before. I didn’t even know how to do it. So I learned. It took a couple of hours of research, and I knew that I could do it. Since then I created, designed, and published my own books. Yes, I’m published!

3. Take classes

I’m not talking about a college degree. I am talking about taking targeted and specific training to gain a specific skill or skills. Taking classes from places like Skillshare or Master Class. These classes will enable you to fill in any areas you feel you are lacking in.

After becoming an informally trained editor and book designer. I decided to get formally trained as a copyeditor. The initial thought was I could specialize in this area and leverage it to work from home. While editing is something I do on occasion for small projects, this is not something that I actually do for my business. I am able to bring these skills into other areas of what I do.

I did take the certificate program from University of California, San Diego extension program. Some of their classes are expenses, but I thought the copyediting class was well-done and I learned from it. I am glad I took the class.

4. Market yourself as the Swiss Army knife for small businesses

You may be thinking, this sounds great, but how to be successful in business as a generalist and get clients? If you are a generalist, you are the Swiss Army knife for a small business. Your know-how and versatile skillset makes you the perfect person to help businesses succeed. They can delegate anything to you. They know that you have the ability to handle it or figure out how to handle it. And, maybe, just maybe to improve on it.

5. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should

If you followed this blog for any length of time, you know I’m not a fan of the conventional ideas that you should be chasing your dreams or that your dreams need to center around a passion and career. I think these ideas are misleading, much like the idea that you need to specialize.

But I don’t think you should do something you hate. You can enjoy what you do, without a deep burning passion for it. And that’s ok.

When I started my virtual assistant business, I listed everything that I did from my previous jobs. That seemed like the best strategy at the time. One of those listed items was travel arrangements because I could do it. I knew how to do it, and I was good at it. You know what I quickly discovered, I hated doing it. Most people are very particular about traveling. They only want to fly certain airlines, sit in specific seats, stay in particular hotel, etc.

Keeping up with all these particulars was not fun nor enjoyable. So I decided to no longer offer this service. And I am so glad I did. It did not affect my business at all.

Conclusion: How to be Successful in Business as a Generalist

Mom, the breadth of knowledge and experience you possess as a generalist gives you the ability to handle anything that comes your way. You don’t need to lock into the idea that you can only be successful if you have one-exceptional skill to offer. 

Never stop learning. When you stop learning you stop growing. Your value to your clients will continue to grow as you continue to learn new things and new skills.

If you unsure where to start. Check out this totally free 20-page workbook that will walk you through the process of how to be successful in business without a niche.

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