by | Jul 5, 2021 | Random Musings

Chasing Your Dream (Part 2): Let’s Change What It Means

In Part 1 of Chasing your Dreams, we talked about the conventional wisdom we always hear in books and from gurus about what it means to be chasing your dream.

Mom, after hearing gurus tell you that you need to chase your dream, do you find yourself asking the question, “So where do I fit in? My dreams don’t fit into the conventional wisdom and wouldn’t be on any guru’s ‘approved’ list.” Many of these mom gurus will tell you that your worth and value as a person should not be attached to your children. But in the next breath they will tell you that your worth and value is tied to your career because this is an approved dream. Can we bring balance to the force?

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Broaden the Scope of Chasing Your Dream

I am all for dreams and goals that you want to pursue. These are necessary to help give direction and purpose for to your life. But I want to broaden the scope of what these dreams look like and what it means to be chasing them and pursuing your passion. Sometimes what you are passionate about just won’t pay the bills. So it is time to rethink what we’ve always been told about dreams and passion.

It can be overwhelming to even figure out your passion when you are in the midst of trying to raise your tiny humans. And the culture has conditioned us that being a mom isn’t a “good enough” passion. Your time and energy is consumed by your kids. When they are young, it is a physical toll on your body. When they get older it is an emotional toll. So it seems unrealistic to even think about your dreams—you know the ones on the approved list, not your other dreams.

Being a Mom is Not a “Good Enough” Dream

Let’s get very real for a moment. In the guru realm of chasing your dreams, being a mom is never one that is on the approved list. If your dream is to be a mom, then this is just not good enough. Have you heard this said or at least implied?

There are a few reasons this is not an approved dream. Being a mom is seen as common. It is not something that is going to make you known or wealthy. No one ever sees or celebrates the acts of heroism that you do every day. I don’t think there is any mom who gets energized or inspired from needing to do the dishes. There are so many hidden things you do every day that are nurturing your kids and causing them to flourish. Being a mom to your kids is something only you can do.

Reconciling Mom and Career

My passion and my driving force is to be the best mom to my kids. That is the number one dream I am chasing. My career and how I make money is what gives me the resources I need to be chasing my dream.

Yes, let’s turn the popular idea upside down. Does your happiness and creating the life you love really depend on a career that you are passionate about? This idea is exciting and inspiring, but, let’s say it again, passion doesn’t always pay the bills. If you are doing something that you are already passionate about, then rock on mom.

But for the rest of us, let’s bring some balance to the force. Being a mom and working from home don’t need to be in opposition with each other. You can do both. And be successful as a mom and momtrepreneur.

Let me add this. Although, I want to change the idea that in order to be happy with your life you must always be passionate about your career. You should still be content with what you decide to do every day. If you are dreading waking up because you will need to do tasks you hate, then this needs to change. That is the best part because you define success on your own terms, and you can change this.

If you aren’t building a business around your passion or chasing your dream, how do you decide what to build a business around? The Money Saving Mom by Crystal Paine, sums it up well. In her book, she says, “Your ideal business will be a combinations of skills, talents, passion and knowledge.” I am going to give you my application of this list in order of importance (and make a slight change).

1. Skills

This is first because you can’t build a business around a skill you don’t possess. So what are you good at?

If you need help figuring out your skills, take a look at this post Part Time Work From Home Job (Part 2): Start A Virtual Assistant Business. It will give you a step-by-step guide to figure out your skills.

2. Knowledge

This goes hand-in-hand with the first one. What knowledge do you possess that will add value to your business?

3. Talents

You are a gifted and talented mom. What talents do you have that will enhance your business? That when combined with your skills and knowledge, they will make you an unstoppable force.

4. Interest

I am changing this from passion because sometimes passion doesn’t always pay the bills. But your interests may. What sparks your curiosity? Is there something that you can do for hours at a time? You want to build your business around something that you find interesting. Trust me you don’t want to dread working every morning. So don’t take on something that you don’t find interesting.


This post most definitely explores outside of the box. I hope you are asking yourself, what does it actually mean to chase your dreams? Your dream don’t need to center on a career. Being a mom can be the greatest passion of your life. And your career and how you make money are the resources to fuel your dream.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!





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