Hey mom, grab your favorite mug pour yourself a cup of joe, and let’s pull back the curtain and get a real life glimpse into what it means to be a momtrepreneur. From soccer games to science experiments that require a fire extinguisher. Life as a momtrepreneur is never dull. Sometimes we are so busy this mom life can feel isolating. But mom you are not alone. I started doing these videos for the work from home mom, so you don’t feel isolated or alone. Today, we are going to check in on crushing goals. Are you crushing them or have they crushed you?
But first, be sure to check out this week’s show where we talk about high needs babies. Yes, I’ve had 3, and they were all different in their degree of high needs. This week is part 1 where we just about the different high needs. Next week is part 2, where we get into how to work and school.
Also, I would love for your to subscribe to the Youtube, Rumble, or Podcast. I am trying to crack that magic number 100 and would love your help. Remember, you can connect with me on social media or by emailing. I would love to hear from you. Remember, you support the show with coffee!
Now, let’s get into this week’s momtrepreneur life topic.
Crushing Goals
It has been one those days…actually weeks that have just been busy. It didn’t help that I was sick again last week, so things do start to pile up. In a previous post, Why You Should Join a Mom Book Club, I mentioned that I would tell you the next book we are reading…It is a House in the Sky.
Spring is almost here. The first quarter of the year is done. I thought it would be a good time to check in with you and see how you are crushing goals. This was always the time that I just gave up on all my goals. If you watched, listened, or read the goals series, then you know I absolutely despise the idea of goals. The systems—SMART goals, SMARTER goals, big hairy scary goals—just don’t work for the mom life. Things happen, life happens and your goals get derailed. Instead of crushing goals, they start to crush you.
Is there an alternative for moms? Is there a way to accomplish big tasks that fit into the margins of mom life? Yes, there is. Watch the video for how to crush your goals, instead of them crushing you.