by | Oct 16, 2023 | Homeschool, Work from Home

How To Make Money From Home And Homeschool Your Kids

Are you wanting to live your impossible dream, but you don’t know how to make money from home and homeschool your kids?

With the rise of remote work, there are now more opportunities than ever to contribute to your family budget without leaving your house, and homeschool your kids. But it is not always easy to figure out how to make money from home.

In this step-by-step guide, we will explore various methods and strategies to help you start making money from home today. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or a full-time career, there are plenty of opportunities waiting for you.

3 Steps on How to Make Money from Home

You can break free from the 9–5, be your own boss, raise your kids, and enjoy your life! I know what it is like to live an impossible dream. While I was wearing high-powered suits and working on Broadway (literally, my office address was on Broadway). All I could think about was wanting to be home with my kids, and it was never going to happen.

I struggled to figure out how to make money from home. It seemed like it was never going to happen. Fast-forward, I’ve been doing it for 10 years, and you can too. If you want to live your impossible dream, then start now.

how to make money from home

Step 1: Research

Knowledge is power. The more you gain, the more confident and ready you will feel. But let me add this caution. There is a trap in managing information. Ask me how I know? It might be from personal experience.

In my quest, to find how to make money from home I’ve researched, tested, and tossed more ideas than I’ve kept. I did the surveys…that was a total bust. I did get free diapers out of it though.

I created two Etsy shops. One is over, the other is in the infancy stages. Check out Mug Nerds, we would love some follows.

My virtual assistant business took off within two months of launching. It has been successful ever since.

Then I launched this business with a podcast, YouTube channel, mom t-shirts, created my own products, and notebooks and journals. With that I tried affiliate marketing, ads, and other things. Some things have worked, others have not.

I say all this, so you know that it takes time. If something doesn’t work, it is ok to quit and try something different. Things that worked well for others, may not work for you. But don’t give up on your dream.

In your research on how to make money from home, understand how long it actually takes. One of the best books I’ve read on this subject is The Long Game by Dorie Clark. She really breaks down how long it takes for a business to grow. You need to have a realistic time-frame for your business. I’m at the point of thinking that business success comes to those who out last the other guys.

Step 2: Determine What You Want to do

After your research, you need to decide what you want to do. The Mom Boss 2.0 workbook, 20 pages of free advice on how to do this. Or you can get the Mom Boss 2.0 course that will take you step-by-step through the process. Plus, ask me anything.

Remember, what you did in an office may not be something that you want to keep doing. Make a list of all your services that you can do. Then decide what you want to do. You don’t need to be passionate or totally inspired to do it. It just needs to not drive you crazy.

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You can be a virtual assistant, social media manager, social media ads manager, online business manager, print on demand products, and so much more! And there are free or paid classes to learn all of these skills.

Step 3: Launch

You may still feel unsure. Asking questions like, “Am I ready? Can I really do this? Do I need to learn more?” These questions will only be answered once you launch.

Yes, do your due diligence and learn as much as possible. But at some point you finally need to let the world know you are open for business. And this is scary. Just remember, this is a growth process. You are going to change, pivot, and find your groove. None of this can happen without taking that first step.

If the first step is more of a stumble than a launch that’s ok. Keep going. You will only learn by doing.

How to Make Money from Home and Homeschool Your Kids

Now that you have your business taken care of, let’s add the homeschool part. When I started out, I did not do both at the same time.

I was laid off in November. Decided it was time to launch my own business. Landed my first client in February. Then the following August, I started homeschooling my two oldest boys. My daughter was still going to school, and I had a toddler at home. The following year, I also started homeschooling my daughter.

So everything was staggered. This is how it worked out for me. How it works out for you may be totally different. You are unique. Embrace the freedom of deciding what’s best for you and your family.

Here are some helpful tips and strategies to get you started.

Step 1: Follow the steps in the beginners guide

Yes, read the beginners guide to working and homeschooling. It is everything you need to know to get started. From legal requirements to figuring out your workspace. And everything in between.

Step 2: Get the right curriculum

This can make or break your homeschool. Our first year, I thought I was putting the kids back in school because it was a disaster. The big issue was the wrong curriculum. Once I had that figured out it was smoother sailing. Well, until the next year, and I needed to pick different curriculum. That is the life of a homeschool mom.

homeschool curriculum for work from home

Step 3: Create a routine

This is my secret weapon on how to make money from home and homeschool your kids. I know all the advice is to time block and schedule every minute of your day. But this just doesn’t work for a large family.

Creating a routine allows for flexibility in your schedule, while still getting everything done.

Essentially, you are doing the same things every day. I always like starting with the morning routine. The kids do the same thing every morning. This keeps me from needing to repeat myself, and they know exactly what to do. Once schoolwork is finished, then their time is theirs.

Conclusion: Living Your Impossible Dream

You can work from home and homeschool your kids. Where are you at on this journey? Is it an impossible dream or have you started? Let me know if the comments below.





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