by | Feb 8, 2021 | Random Musings, Website

How To Make Money With A Blog: My Social Experiment

This is a social experiment. How to make money with a blog, can it still be done? I’ve heard the amazing success stories of people making $40K a month with just their blog, but most of these people have been blogging for years. They started blogging before blogs were popular, so really started on the ground floor. And, you know what they say in marketing, if you are the first you are the standard.

In more recent years, bloggers are popular because of their already established platforms or connections. You hear of blogs skyrocketing in popularity but find out the reason is because they were a former CEO of some fortune 500 company or a former producer on a popular morning show. So they leveraged their number of well-connected connections.

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you purchase using one of these links, I make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps me keeps things free for you, and who doesn’t love free stuff. For more information, see my disclosures.

How to Make Money with a Blog Testing it Out

how to make money with a blog

I’m not a former CEO or a former producer. I am just a regular mom, testing out the theory to see if regular people can still make money with a blog. I don’t have a  degree from an Ivy League college, but do I have wisdom and experience. I am just a work from home mom with the knowledge that there is nothing that I haven’t been able to accomplish. 

This is my social experiment—how to make money with a blog. Can a person without a degree from an Ivy League college, someone who is not a former CEO of a major company, or a former producer, with a little grit and some honesty, still make money with a blog.

Do you think there is still room out there for one more blog? In our world of information overload, are people still searching for new information?

How to Make Money with a Blog Starting from Zero

I am starting from almost zero. The page insights tell me I’ve had visitors, but if I looking closely at the numbers, I am most of those visits. There are 13 followers on Facebook, 8 followers on Instagram, 6 followers on Pinterest, 4 subscribers on YouTube, 0 email subscribers (because it is not set up as of this writing), and 1 subscriber to my RSS feed. It is safe to say that we are starting from zero.

Since the purpose of this blog is to see if there is still room in the internet world for another blog, my only goal is to increase page views and monetize it. Any increase of these two markers will be considered a success.

The Plan to Make Money with the Blog

How to make money with a blog infographic

There are typically 5 avenues to make money with a blog:

1. Paid advertising. Using ad networks to advertising on your blog.

2. Affiliate Marketing. Promoting specific products or items, and making a commission for every lead that leads to a sale.

3. Selling Products. Creating a product, such as a book or a class, to sell on your website.

4. Sponsored Posts. Writing a post about a specific product and getting paid for that post.

5. Other avenues outside of the blog (speaking engagements, guests posting, etc). Getting speaking engagements and gigs from your expertise that you are blogging about. Any other income that comes from being an expert in your niche.

As a new blogger there are 3 areas that this blog will start with. But, since I am just starting out this can change quickly!

  1. Google Ad. This network is open to newer bloggers. While the payouts aren’t large, every little bit counts.
  2. Affiliate Marketing. There are a number of products that I use for my business, my kids, and life in general. And I don’t want to keep quiet about them, so I will be letting you in on all my secrets.
  3. Creating Products. Yes, I’ve created some fun mom boss swag. I love fun and slightly snarky T-Shirts, so I’ve created a few for my fellow mom bosses.

My income report at this point is $0. I can only go up from here!

How to Make Money with a Blog—The Methods

From everything I’ve read and researched, the key to success is to be consistent. The avenues that will be used are posting once per week on this website, launching a YouTube channel and podcast, interacting on social media, and creating an email newsletter. So stay tuned, and sign up for the newsletter and be the first in the know.

That is my plan on how to make money with a blog. I will give periodic updates, so you can track this social experiment with me.

Tell me, do you think it can still be done? What would it take to get you to join an email list?

Do you have any more ideas for me? What else should I track? What do you think my income goal should be for the first year?





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