by | Dec 21, 2020 | Work from Home

How To Work From Home (With Kids): 5 Ways To Be More Productive

Something strange happened in 2020. In case you missed it, the world was turned upside down. These “unprecedented” and “strange” times forced us to take a long hard look at how we work. Which led to most of us becoming remote workers and homeschooling parents. We weren’t asked permission, it was thrust upon us. Despite previous misgivings or hesitation about working from home, it had to be done. There was no way around it. Up to this point, many felt that working from home with kids was impossible, even a foreign idea.

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The Question Being Asked by All: How to Work From Home With Kids?

The question was being asked all over the world: How to work from home with kids? Then everyone discovered that it could be done because it had to be. Necessity is the mother of invention.

For me this was just another day at the office. Since I have been doing this for a number of years now. It is a revolutionary idea that moms can work from home, with children, and still be highly productive. Even to other moms. Let’s debunk the idea that those who work from home are less productive. In my experience the opposite is true. I am MORE productive working from home.

There is a saying, “If you want something done then ask a busy person to do it.” Moms, who work from home and take care of the kids, are busy people. From client communications, to explaining the circumference of a circle. We have a lot going on. Because we are juggling so many things we fully grasp the concept of time and how to be productive in the time we have.

I think we have all discovered that it is a misnomer to use time spent in the office as a barometer for productivity. Instead we should look at the work actually accomplished.

The value of productivity should be measured by what is accomplished rather than time spent in the office.

5 Ways to Work From Home and be More Productive as a Mom

How to work from home with kids

1.Set your own schedule.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, the idea that we need to work 9 to 5 is so last century. I love setting my own hours. It would take an act of God to get me locked into a 9 to 5 schedule. I know when I work best. I’m aware of the times I need to be available for my kids. I know when I need to stop to feed my baby. I am in total control of my schedule.

You don’t need a human resources department telling you when you need to be sitting at your desk. As the queen of your schedule you know the best time to accomplish a task.

My day usually starts between 5:30am-6:00am. Yes, that is when I start working because it gives me two hours of uninterrupted time. Say that again TWO HOURS of uninterrupted time! Well, my baby does interrupt me, but she gets a pass right now. It is amazing. There is so much I get done in this time.

Setting your own schedule allows you to be more productive because you can start as early as you want and go as late as you want. You can stop in the middle of the day to help kids, make lunch, or take a nap. And it does not affect your productivity.

This is just one answer to the question: How to work from home with kids? But there is more.

2. You know when you are the most productive.

When I start to plan my day, I know when I am most productive for particular tasks. There are tasks that require concentration and then there are tasks that I can do without much thought. So I can plan my day around my most productive times. And there is always nap time and PBS kids…for the kids. Better planning means better productivity.

As a bonus, we are no longer losing time commuting. Nor starting my day stressed out because of the commute.

We are able to start the day with a better mental attitude.

3. Work time is more concentrated on work.

how to work from home with kids infographic

It is like juice from concentrate. There is a lot of flavor packed into a little can. I usually structure my work time in two hour blocks. At this point there are two main reasons for that 1. I need to nurse my daughter 2. My brain needs a break after two hours.

My attention is fully concentrated on work when it is time to work. Unlike, in an office environment where there are constant interruptions. And you are fighting to concentrate on your task. There are parties, coffee breaks, and social office interactions that continually disrupt your day.

I will be honest with you because I do work with six kids around. There are interruptions from them as well. However, I don’t feel bad telling them to wait. If they have a question they need to practice patience. Since I am available to them all the time, they will get the question answered or the help they need. They are also aware of work time, and they understand that I may not be able to answer them immediately, but they will always get an answer.

4. You can still work when the kids are sick.

This may or may not be a benefit. But as a freelancer, who only makes money when I am working, this is an option I have taken advantage of many times.

Kids get sick. This is something that you can’t plan for or schedule in, but we can still work when it happens. Our days don’t have to come to a full stop when it does.

But if you need a break, you can still use them as an excuse to call “out of the office”.

How to work from home with kids

5. I am happier.

You may not be at this place yet, if you are still trying to figure out the work schedule and school schedule. This is the light at the end of the tunnel. I am much happier working from home. If I ever had to go back to working in an office, you would see the nail marks on my doorjamb as I was being dragged from the house kicking and screaming. (Now that is a vivid picture).

Harvard even backs me up on this. Studies have found that an employee who is happy with their job tends to be more productive and less likely to quit. And employees who work from home are happier, less likely to quit, and more productive.

You can’t go wrong with this formula!

This “unprecedented” time has given us a great opportunity to examine and answer the question, how to work from home with kids. The culture is shifting. Many individuals and companies are seeing the value and benefits of allowing employees to work from home.

Read more on working from home 7 Truths to Work from Home Online and 7 Myths about Working from Home Online.

If you’ve made it to the end of this post, I would love to hear from you!

Tell me
Are you more productive working from home?
What upsides or downsides have you experienced?
Is there are question that you were hoping this post would answer but didn’t?

Let me know in the comments below. I would love to answer your questions and hear your perspective.





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