by | Feb 18, 2021 | Pregnancy and Babies

My Favorite Pregnancy Exercises That You Will Actually Do

I never believed the experts when they all say that pregnancy exercises make you feel great. That pregnancy exercises help with exhaustion and nausea. It just sound too good to be true. And if something is too good to be true it probably is…right?

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pregnancy exercises

Putting the Experts to the Test when it Comes to Pregnancy Exercises

When I was pregnant with baby number 6, I was determined to put the experts to the test. Even though I was working out consistently, eight months prior to getting pregnant, I still felt so out of shape. Pregnancy does some strange things to your body. I had high hopes of still running, but settled for 2-mile walks three times a week instead. Pregnancy exhaustion and pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks can take a toll on your body. And I wanted to give myself the best delivery and recovery possible.

This was also inspired by my pregnancy with baby number 5. After having him, I still had a lot of hip pain. It persisted until he was about 18 months. At this point, I started doing specific stretching exercises targeting my hips. I also started working out consistently, walking and running.

I do believe that exercising before I became pregnant and during my pregnancy with baby number 6, really helped to eliminate the intense hip pain I had for baby number 5. I did not have the same hip intense hip pain with baby number 6. I still had hip pain, that is just the nature of the beast, but it wasn’t the same intensity.

Since I always promise to be honest with you, I will give full disclosure. I really didn’t keep up this pace when I hit 30 weeks. I was so tired, uncomfortable, and just blah. I spent these last few weeks lounging in my free time. I did still try to walk, but it wasn’t at 3 times per week and stretching was sporadic.

Here are the exercises that I did. Your body will thank you.

Pregnancy Exercises that You will Actually Do

Do these pregnancy stretches every day, or a few times a week if you aren’t feeling up to every day. You can do all the reps in one workout. Or split the reps up throughout the day. Do one round of stretches in the morning, do another set in the afternoon, and then another set in the evening.

However you decide to do them, the most important thing you can do is to just do them. Here are the exercises. You can check out pictures on how to do them at, and get more ideas.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or an expert. I am just a mom of a bunch of kids, and I wanted to share my personal experience with you. Always talk to your doctor or midwife first.

Workouts throughout the day (All at once: 3 cycles, 10 reps each cycle; or 3x a day, 10 reps each time)

Favorite pregnancy exercises infographic
  1. Cat/Cow
  2. Bird dog crunch
  3. Pelvic Tilt
  4. Bridge
  5. Standing side crunch

Walk 2.5 miles. On my walk, I always did these at intervals that I assumed no one could see me.

  1. 50 squats
  2. 40 walking lunges
  3. 30 step-ups

You Can Do It! Pregnancy Exercises are not Always Easy

I put the experts to the test, and I agree with them. Exercising during pregnancy does alleviate the nausea, but not always the exhaustion. My goal with baby number 6 was to do everything to minimize hip, back, and ab pain. With each pregnancy the pain in these areas always worsened, so I determined to do what I could to prevent it from getting worse.

Exercising did minimize the hip pain. It worked. However, my back and abs are still not back to normal. But after 6 kids, what’s a mom to do.

You may be feeling exhausted and pukey, but if you can do just a little bit. You will feel better. Start with small steps. You don’t have to do everything all at once. The benefit is that you will feel better. You can do it!

Let us know your favorite pregnancy workouts. We need to hear from you!





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