Reading Quotes And Other Reading Clichés

There are so many reading quotes and clichés. The most famous, or the most quoted is probably Readers are leaders. But the actual quote is, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” It was Harry S. Truman who first said it.

And here are a few other gems.

Reading is to the mind what exercise it to the body.” Joseph Addison

“Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.” Francis Bacon

“The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading.” David Bailey

“He that loves reading has everything within his reach.” William Godwin

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.” Ray Bradbury

“Knowledge is power.”

“Take a look, it’s in a book.”

The one common thread with all these reading quotes and clichés is how true they are. There is something to learn from all of these reading quotes and the many others not mentioned.

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Reading Quotes are True and Benefit Your Mind

Reading helps us to be better leaders or people because we connect to stories, and these stories provide a way for us to learn from our past and interpret the future in front of us. Of course, not all books are created equal, but as long as you read widely and a variety you should have everything covered.

Reading quotes

There are so many physical benefits to reading as well. It slows dementia, it is relaxing, and more. Check out this post to read more on the benefits of reading and for some great book recommendations.

Beyond the Reading Quotes—What Should you Read?

Here is a list that will help you to choose widely and from a variety.

1. Biographies

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” Eleanor Roosevelt

If someone did something remarkable enough to get a book written about them, then they are worth reading about. Biographies give you a birds-eye view of the process people go through, the mistakes they have made, and the triumphs.

It is also an opportunity to get the full view of someone’s life. How long it did take them to reach the crowning achievement of their lives. The struggles they went through to get their and the sacrifices made. It also shows you what not to do on the road to success. No one has lived a perfect life, and like Eleanor said, learn from others because you don’t have time to make all the mistakes.

Here are a few recommendations to get you started

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas

7 Women and the Secret of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas

Harriet Tubman by Catherine Clinton

Check out this post for more biographical recommendations.

2. Fiction

We learn best from stories. They provide a way for us to learn from our past and interpret the future in front of us.

There are numerous benefits to reading fiction. First, it helps to unplug and unwind. Yes, books help you de-stress and it boosts your sleep quality. Second, it gets our imagination and creativity active. Third, it gives us a better way to tell a story.

Here are some more Book Recommendations for Mom.

3. History

I am not sure who said it but it bears repeating, “If we don’t learn from history then we are bound to repeat it.” Just like biographies, there is so much we can learn from looking at history. The achievements, this mistakes, and the long hard fought road to reach the crowning achievement. Be an avid reader of history.

4. Historical Fiction

I know I just covered both of these above, but since this is my favorite genre I thought it merited its own category. This is the best of both worlds. You are still learning from history through the lives of fictional characters. We all enjoy a good story and this genre enriches our knowledge of the past, while intertwining our imaginations in the lives of the characters.

5. Self-improvement

Most leaders recommend reading self-improvement books. We are always learning and these help us to actively improve ourselves. Warren Buffet said the key to success was reading 500 pages a day. Here is another reading quote for you: “That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.”

6. Books in your field

Read books that help to improve your current skill set. You don’t know everything so learn from those who know more. Here are some business book recommendations.

7. Books that challenge you

These may be in your field or not. Read something that challenges your thinking, even if you don’t agree with everything it is still important to challenge your status quo.

Here is another reading quote to end with: “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” Jim Rohn

Tell us some of your best book recommendations in the comments below.





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