by | Dec 27, 2021 | Self-Improvement

Get Your Workout Motivation On: Start Crushing Your Resolutions

Hi friends, I hope you’ve enjoyed your Christmas feasts with all the trimmings. I am sure you are now thinking about starting a new exercise regime. Usually, this is the time of year where everyone talks about goals and resolutions. Many people are most hopeful during this season. The expectation of a new year makes people feel like they can really turn over a new leaf or start something new. Inevitably, everyone adds get in shape or workout to the list. If you added these to your list, here is some workout motivation to get you started crushing your goals.

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Get Your Workout Motivation On

Sometimes, as busy moms, with low workout motivation, it is hard to get into intense workouts. We need a mom’s realistic guide. Here are some of my favorite posts to get your workout motivation going.

Workouts to do at Home: A Mom’s Realistic Guide to Working Out

Every mom I’ve ever talked to always wants to get in shape or in better shape. We talk about running a 5k or even running a marathon. Or look at workouts to do at home or signing up for that gym membership. We look in the mirror and see how our kids totally changed the shape of our bodies. We’ve gone from girlish figures to womanly curves. But finding the workout motivation is hard for many moms.

We know that we need to work out. Not to get our girlish figures back, but to be healthy. There are so many benefits to exercise, beyond just weight loss. Exercise helps to prevent chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and many more. Exercise improves mood and boosts energy! And we all know that we can use more energy.

We’ve been Told Sitting is the New Smoking

Yes, sitting is bad for your health. At this point, I think we have all heard this. There are studies that say sitting is the new smoking. I decided to satisfy my curiosity, and really find out how bad sitting is.

I discovered a number of facts that will get your workout motivation into overdrive. Although, the facts I discovered were an eye opener there was another side-effect of sitting that I found to be much worse…for my vanity. So, what could be worse than a cardiovascular event or diabetes? Are you ready for this? Can you handle it? Here it goes. Sitting causes your butt to get wider. This is excellent workout motivation.

Work Out Routines at Home: 3 Tips to Stay Fit Working from Home

Your mental and physical health are your two biggest assets in life and in business. So it is important to take care of both. Another reason to figure out your workout motivation.

For most moms, staying fit or getting in shape is usually the last on your to do list. Even when you have work out routines at home, it still seems like an impossible task. There is so much that demands your attention, and if you add one more thing to your plate you might just break it. Add to the fact that working from home with kids is exhausting. You are juggling a lot throughout the day.

But your physical health will also contribute to your mental health, so find something that you can start today. So you can take care of both.

Favorite Pregnancy Exercises that You will Actually do

Here’s a post for the pregnant moms. Whether it is your first pregnancy or your sixth, exercising offers you so many benefits. I admit that I never believed the experts when they all say that pregnancy exercises make you feel great. That pregnancy exercises help with exhaustion and nausea. It just sound too good to be true. And if something is too good to be true it probably is…right?

When I was pregnant with baby number 6, I was determined to put the experts to the test. I do believe that exercising before I became pregnant and during my pregnancy with baby number 6, really helped to eliminate the intense hip pain I had for baby number 5. I did not have the same hip intense hip pain with baby number 6. This is just one benefit, I personally experienced from exercising during pregnancy. This should get your workout motivation going. And you need it if you are in your first trimester.

Conclusion: Workout Motivation

Whatever your workout motivation is—you are sitting too long, you want to prevent health risks, or you want to lose weight, or you want an easier delivery—I hope you are ready to get started. If you need help planning your habits and goals, be sure to check out the 4 Part Goal series.




1 Comment

  1. MyWorldTheirWay

    This is a great motivation post to get up and start working out. Thanks for sharing.


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