by | Mar 21, 2022 | Pregnancy and Babies

High Needs Baby (Part 2): How To Homeschool And Work From Home

Mom, in Part 1 we talked about the different high needs babies and the emotional and physical toll they can take on you. In this post, we are going to get very practical on how to homeschool and work from home with a high needs baby.

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When baby number 6 made her grand entrance, I never expected her to be such a high needs baby. I was so drained from her that I even wrote a story called, Only Mommy Will Do. Think Green Eggs and Ham meets a picture book for adults about motherhood. It was very cathartic.

It wasn’t easy homeschooling and juggling clients. Remember, I brought on new clients while I was pregnant. So not only did I grow my business and family, I now had a baby who required all my energy and attention. We did get through this season, but it wasn’t easy.

Mom, you are a momtrepreneur with a lot to juggle. It is already a balancing act to homeschool and work from home. But add a high needs baby to the mix, and it is a whole different kind of crazy to juggle.

But you can do it mom. You are an amazing mom boss. Even though it is hard, it can be done. Let’s dive into some practical tips to homeschool and work from home with a high needs baby.

How to Homeschool with a High Needs Baby

This is a great time to introduce home economics into your homeschool curriculum. The kitchen was always my domain, and I didn’t like anyone to invade this space. It isn’t because I liked cooking, no, it definitely was not that. I just didn’t want to clean up someone else’s mess. But when my high needs baby came along, this was one area that I just needed to let go. Yes, the older kids started cooking and helping in the kitchen. This is a necessary life skill, and they can make a mean pancake.

Along with introducing home ec into your curriculum, be flexible with the homeschooling schedule. You may need your kids to take a break and help soothe baby. Whether that is by holding her, playing with her, or rocking her. Older kids can help, no matter the age.

You are the boss of your work schedule and homeschool schedule, so if your high needs baby requires all hands on deck that’s ok. Kids can do their schoolwork between naptimes.

If you are trying to decide curriculum that will work for your school, it might be a good time to consider some subjects on DVD. So your older kids can still benefit from being taught a certain topic, without you feeling pressured to teach it.

Action Steps to Homeschool with a High Needs Baby: You are the boss of your schedule, so find one that works for you and your family…even if it is a bit out of the box. Let you kids learn a new life skill like cooking and following a recipe (this is age dependent). And find a curriculum or subjects that is geared for kids to work independently.

Remember, this is only a season, and seasons always change. Hang in there mom. You don’t always feel like you are winning, but the only thing you can do is be the best mom to your kids in the moment.

How to Work from Home with a High Needs Baby

You have your homeschool down with a high needs baby, now to work from home. Remind yourself that this is only a season, and while you aren’t 100% because you are sleep deprived and your baby is a cling-on, you can still do it. You may need to say no to a big project, but if you are working with good clients then they won’t spring a big project on you.

All of my clients were supportive and understanding when I had my high needs baby. You want to know how they knew that’s what I needed? I told them. They asked how I was doing, and I was very honest about the struggles baby girl was going through. And they all were extremely supportive.

Working with a high needs baby is not easy. It may require adjusting your hours because you just can’t work as many. You may need to reschedule any big projects you had in mind. And that is ok mom. Take the time you need to work with your high needs baby and to sleep. You can’t be your best self if you are frazzled and frayed.

Action Steps to Work from Home with a High Needs Baby: Remember that you are sleep deprived, so keep things in perspective. Communicate with your clients where you are at. Reschedule big projects to a later time.

Tips to Homeschool and Work from Home with a High Needs Baby

Here are a few more practical tips to help with a high needs baby

1. Get the right baby gear

You don’t need to buy everything on the long lists you find on Pinterest. There are 5 things that will really help you. You can read more on the essential baby gear that you need working from home, but here is the list: Wrap, Ergo Carrier, Bouncer, Playmat, and small crib. These are a lifesaver when you have a high needs baby.

2. Ask for help

Whether it is from your older kids (they are awesome), parents, friends, or whomever. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It can come in all different shapes. Whether someone comes to hold the baby or drops off a meal. Whatever you are comfortable with, ask for help.

3. Find time to relax

Take a walk with your baby or just take a bath. Whatever helps you to relax find time to do it. I know this is not easy, especially when you have a high needs baby. But be intentional about finding those few moments to recharge.

Walking will help to release all those built up stress hormones and most babies will fall asleep or won’t be fussy during the walk because they are mesmerized by the scenery. So it is a win-win.

Conclusion: How to Homeschool and Work from Home with a High Needs Baby

Remember, this is only a season, and seasons always change. Hang in there mom. You don’t always feel like you are winning, but the only thing you can do is be the best mom to your kids in the moment.

Do you have or had a high needs baby? Let me know what helps you. Leave a comment below.




1 Comment

  1. Vi-Zanne

    I don’t have a high-needs baby, but I completely agree that getting the right gear is key, and asking for help is important! I have all the products mentioned above – carrier, small crib, wrap, bouncer and play mat, and they are all so essential. Thanks for sharing this!


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