by | Jul 26, 2021 | Self-Improvement

How To Read A Book For Busy Mom Bosses

You’ve probably heard that reading is one of the most important things you can do. I’ve read that Warren Buffet said reading 500 pages per day was the key to success. So I had do some math when I read this. The average book is about 300 pages. This means that he reads a book and a half every day and about 600 books per year! So how to read a book for busy mom bosses?

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I suppose if you are able to hire someone to drive you everywhere, prepare and cook all your meals, and anything else you don’t want to do. It frees up a lot of time to read a book and a half every day. But we are busy moms, and our attention gets pulled in a thousand directions all the time. It is hard to sit down and focus on just reading 20 pages let alone 500.

Why You Should Read

You’ve heard all the reading cliché: Readers are leaders; knowledge is power, keep reading; reading is essential to rise above the ordinary. 

Although these are often quoted phrases, reading is probably one of the most important things you can do to improve yourself. If you are an honest intellectual, you find that the more you read the more you don’t know. Thomas Sowell said it best, “It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” At this point, are you totally convinced that you should be reading voraciously, but how to read a book when your time is so limited?

The Benefit of Reading

As a mom boss, who works for a variety of clients and homeschools your kids, you need to continue to educate yourself. Reading allows you to keep learning outside of the accepted system of formal education. It also lets you explore ideas and fields that you may not have considered.

When you educate yourself in a variety of fields, you bring that knowledge and experience into your business and you really become an unstoppable force.

Knowledge truly is power.

How to Read a Book

You are probably asking yourself, “Well that’s just great, but how to read a book? I’m busy all the time.” Have no fear, I am going to let you in on my secret. You may not read 600 books in a year, but you will be able to read 50…at least. That is about one per week, which I think is a very good number for a busy momtrepreneur.

1. Audio books

If you are a visual learner you probably resist the idea of audio books because you know that you will not retain the information the same way as seeing the words.

I am a visual learner, and I pushed back on the idea of listening to audio books. But one day, I decided to give it a try. I downloaded the Overdrive app on my phone (this allows you to checkout audio books from you library…it’s free), checked out a book, loaded my little man in the stroller, and went for a walk. I was hooked.

Since then, I have upgraded to an Audible subscription, and I love it.

I realized that while my preference is to read the book. I can’t sit down and read a book while I am doing the dishes or cooking dinner. But I can listen to a book while I am doing these things. And multitasking is a highly valued trait of a mom boss.

2. How to read a book

There are probably still some books that you would prefer to actually read. Here’s the system that I use to get through books at a steady pace. Look at the number of chapters in the book. Can you easily finish it in a month or do you need to give yourself two months to read? Whichever you decide, get a sticky note and stick it to the front of the book. Create a grid like the one below.

This will keep you on track to reading the number of chapters every week, so you can finish the book in a month or two.

3. Read fiction

In all your seeking of knowledge be sure to add some fiction to your book list. Your brain needs a break and fiction is fun to read. The best part, they are easy audio book listens. Or if you want to take a break, curl up on the couch with a good story.

You can still learn from reading fiction. And, since you are mom boss, you always need to improve your writing and reading any type of book is great for this. So don’t forget to enjoy a good story!


It is always hard to find extra time for anything, but reading is something that you need to squeeze in. You will personally benefit from it in so many ways. Check out some of my favorite book recommendations and try an Audible subscription. I promise, you will love it!

Tell us your favorite book recommendations in the comments below. Do you have any more suggestions for how to read a book? Don’t keep it a secret, share it will us!





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