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    Building A Business Website Without Being A Web Programmer

    You are probably staring at the computer screen wondering what to do. Where do you even begin? You can look on YouTube, but there is so much information. You don't have time to sit and sift through countless hours of information to find that one 5 minute video that...

    How To Become A Better Writer: 3 Ways To Improve Your Writing

    Imagine. Sitting down at your well-worn desk. You loving run your fingers along planks. Thinking to yourself, "So many memories stored in this wood." You turn the lamplight up to give you more light. You can feel the excitement bubbling up in you. Characters and words...

    What To Do Before You Start Building A Website To Make It Easier

    Building a website can be daunting, overwhelming, frustrating and whatever other adjective you can think of. In this post I am going to give you 7 things to do before you start to make the process of building a website easier. Having a website is one of those...

    The Many Ways To Create A Business Logo

    This is post is going to take a deep dive into how to create a business logo. I also created a post and show on what you need to do before you start building a website. These two posts and shows go hand-in-hand. I have been working with artists in the publishing field...

    Part Time Work From Home Jobs (Part 3): What You Need To Start

    This is the final post in our part time work from home jobs series, and I must say this series has made me very excited for you. I hope that I have offered you the help that I couldn't find when I started out. It is not easy starting your own business, but you can do...

    Part Time Work From Home Job (Part 1): Prepare Before You Take The Leap

    Growing up I always had kids around me. From teaching them at church to a steady stream of parents I babysat for. For me being a mom was always something that I wanted to do and be a lawyer (I accomplished one of my goals). Between my first and second year of college...

    Communication Skills For Momtrepreneurs And Why It Is Important

    As a family we always make it a priority to eat dinner together. We are all busy throughout the day, and then we get the opportunity to connect and communicate with each other over food. This is a favorite way for most people to connect. As you can imagine this...

    How To Make Money With A Blog: My Social Experiment

    This is a social experiment. How to make money with a blog, can it still be done? I've heard the amazing success stories of people making $40K a month with just their blog, but most of these people have been blogging for years. They started blogging before blogs were...

    What Is An Entrepreneur And How Is A Momtrepreneur Different

    There are some words that as soon as we hear them a mental image comes to mind. When you hear the word entrepreneur what image pops into your head? Steve Jobs? Bill Gates? Elon Musk? All of these people fit the idea of an entrepreneur. They started out with a new idea...

    5 Must-Have Plugins For WordPress

    Whether you are starting a business or a blog, you need a great website. There a few things you need to consider when you are creating your WordPress website. What hosting will you use, the theme, and what plugins for WordPress do you absolutely need to install on...

    Rebel Mom Checklist


    Pregnancy & Babies





    Work from Home


    Random Musings

    Mom Bag

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