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    Why Integrity Is Important In business As A Work from Home Mom

    This is the most important topic to write about. Out of everything that's written—challenging the typically accepted advice on finding your niche, chasing your dreams, or being a generalist—answering  this question for yourself, personally, and for your business...

    How To Create A Website In 5 Painless Steps

    Are you ready to create a website for your business? Is it time to launch your great idea out into the world? But how to create a website when you don't know where to start? Creating a website for your business is a daunting task, and there are so many false promises...

    How To Find Free Images For Website That You Will Want To Use

    From the dawning of time humans found ways to communicate. Before letters and words were created the ancient peoples used pictures and images. From the prehistoric cave drawings made by illiterate peoples to the Egyptians using hieroglyphs. Communicating through...

    Publishing With KDP (An Honest Review Of KDP Publishing)

    Creating passive income is a goal for every blogger or even business owner. If you can create streams of income while you are sleeping that is awesome! I've seen a lot of videos on creating low content books with Amazon KDP. But what does the final product look like...

    Conference: Lifestyle Of The Homeschooling Mom & Momtrepreneur

    Here are the notes from the Homeschool Conference. In our culture and lifestyle of most families needing two incomes you face the predicament, you want to give your kids a great education, but at the same time you still need to contribute to the family budget. How can...

    Finding Your Niche is Central to a Good Business Plan, Or is it?

    Do an internet search and type in how to make money from home or how to start a business. You probably see a ton of results. Once you get past all of the "do surveys" or "get paid to just do this" (take it from someone who has tried, getting paid for surveys is a...

    How To Pick The Best Business Book

    One of my favorite things to do, when I was growing up, was walking over to the library and immersing myself among the stacks. The silence enveloping me as I searched for my next great adventure. Reading always swept my imagination away, but it also fed my desire for...

    Your Essential List Of Home Office Supplies

    Let's talk your must have home office supplies. But first, jump through a time portal with me. Close your eyes and imagine you are 8-years-old. You are shopping with your parents, and after going to all the boring stores like Sears and KMart, you finally step into a...

    You Need An Amazing Website: 3 Reasons To Build A Business Website

    If you are going to start a business then you need to build a business website. Every business starts with an idea. Whether you are a non-profit wanting to change the world, a creative business wanting to make the first computer animated movie, or a small business...

    Search Engine Optimization 101 Boost WordPress Site Vitals Score

    If you are looking to create a website for your business, you've probably done your research. In you all your searching for knowledge you stumbled upon this term SEO (search engine optimization). Let's dive into search engine optimization 101. Getting your SEO right...

    Rebel Mom Checklist


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    Random Musings

    Mom Bag

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